#OS Standard 1: Content & Pedagogical Knowledge #O Candidate Knowledge, Skills, & Professional Dispositions #SO InTASC Standards #ID CAEP-STAND-1.1 #SD Candidates demonstrate an understanding of the 10 InTASC standards at the appropriate progression level(s)1 in the following categories: the learner and learning; content; instructional practice; and professional responsibility. #O Provider Responsibilities #SO Ensure Candidates Use Rresearch & Evidence #ID CAEP-STAND-1.2 #SD Providers ensure that candidates use research and evidence to develop an understanding of the teaching profession and use both to measure their P-12 students’ progress and their own professional practice. #SO Apply Content & Pedagogical Knowledge #ID CAEP-STAND-1.3 #SD Providers ensure that candidates apply content and pedagogical knowledge as reflected in outcome assessments in response to standards of Specialized Professional Associations (SPA), the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS), states, or other accrediting bodies (e.g., National Association of Schools of Music-NASM). #SO Demonstrate Skills & Commitment #ID CAEP-STAND-1.4 #SD Providers ensure that candidates demonstrate skills and commitment that afford all P-12 students access to rigorous college- and career-ready standards (e.g., Next Generation Science Standards, National Career Readiness Certificate, Common Core State Standards). #SO Model & Apply Technology Standards #ID CAEP-STAND-1.5 #SD Providers ensure that candidates model and apply technology standards as they design, implement and assess learning experiences to engage students and improve learning; and enrich professional practice. #OS Standard 2: Clinical Partnerships & Practice #O Partnerships for Clinical Preparation #SO Partners Co-construct School & Community Arrangements #ID CAEP-STAND-2.1 #SD Partners co-construct mutually beneficial P-12 school and community arrangements, including technology-based collaborations, for clinical preparation and share responsibility for continuous improvement of candidate preparation. Partnerships for clinical preparation can follow a range of forms, participants, and functions. They establish mutually agreeable expectations for candidate entry, preparation, and exit; ensure that theory and practice are linked; maintain coherence across clinical and academic components of preparation; and share accountability for candidate outcomes. #O Clinical Educators #SO Co-select, Prepare, Evaluate, Support, & Retain Educators #ID CAEP-STAND-2.2 #SD Partners co-select, prepare, evaluate, support, and retain high-quality clinical educators, both provider- and school-based, who demonstrate a positive impact on candidates' development and P-12 student learning and development. In collaboration with their partners, providers use multiple indicators and appropriate technology-based applications to establish, maintain, and refine criteria for selection, professional development, performance evaluation, continuous improvement, and retention of clinical educators in all clinical placement settings. #O Clinical Experiences #SO Design Clinical Experiences #ID CAEP-STAND-2.3 #SD The provider works with partners to design clinical experiences of sufficient depth, breadth, diversity, coherence, and duration to ensure that candidates demonstrate their developing effectiveness and positive impact on all students' learning and development. Clinical experiences, including technology-enhanced learning opportunities, are structured to have multiple performance-based assessments at key points within the program to demonstrate candidates' development of the knowledge, skills, and professional dispositions, as delineated in Standard 1, that are associated with a positive impact on the learning and development of all P-12 students. #OS Standard 3: Candidate Quality, Recruitment, & Selectivity #O Plan for Recruitment of Diverse Candidates who Meet Employment Needs #SO Present Plans & Goals #ID CAEP-STAND-3.1 #SD The provider presents plans and goals to recruit and support completion of high-quality candidates from a broad range of backgrounds and diverse populations to accomplish their mission. The admitted pool of candidates reflects the diversity of America's P-12 students. The provider demonstrates efforts to know and address community, state, national, regional, or local needs for hard-to-staff schools and shortage fields, currently, STEM, English-language learning, and students with disabilities. #O Candidates Demonstrate Academic Achievement #SO Meet CAEP Minimum Criteria #ID CAEP-STAND-3.2 #SD The provider meets CAEP minimum criteria or the state's minimum criteria for academic achievement, whichever are higher, and gathers disaggregated data on the enrolled candidates whose preparation begins during an academic year. The CAEP minimum criteria are a grade point average of 3.0 and a group average performance on nationally normed assessments or substantially equivalent state-normed assessments of mathematical, reading, and writing achievement in the top 50 percent of those assessed. An EPP may develop and use a valid and reliable substantially equivalent alternative assessment of academic achievement. The 50th percentile standard for writing will be implemented in 2021. Starting in academic year 2016-2017, the CAEP minimum criteria apply to the group average of enrolled candidates whose preparation begins during an academic year. The provider determines whether the CAEP minimum criteria will be measured (1) at admissions, OR (2) at some other time prior to candidate completion. In all cases, EPPs must demonstrate academic quality for the group average of each year's enrolled candidates. In addition, EPPs must continuously monitor disaggregated evidence of academic quality for each branch campus (if any), mode of delivery, and individual preparation programs, identifying differences, trends, and patterns that should be addressed under component 3.1, Plan for recruitment of diverse candidates who meet employment needs. CAEP will work with states and providers to designate, and will periodically publish, appropriate "top 50 percent" proficiency scores on a range of nationally or state normed assessments and other substantially equivalent academic achievement measures, with advice from an expert panel. Alternative arrangements for meeting the purposes of this component will be approved only under special circumstances and in collaboration with one or more states. The CAEP President will report to the Board and the public annually on actions taken under this provision. #O Additional Selectivity Factors #SO Establish & Monitor Attributes & Dispositions #ID CAEP-STAND-3.3 #SD Educator preparation providers establish and monitor attributes and dispositions beyond academic ability that candidates must demonstrate at admissions and during the program. The provider selects criteria, describes the measures used and evidence of the reliability and validity of those measures, and reports data that show how the academic and non-academic factors predict candidate performance in the program and effective teaching. #O Selectivity During Preparation #SO Create Criteria for Program Progression #ID CAEP-STAND-3.4 #SD The provider creates criteria for program progression and monitors candidates' advancement from admissions through completion. All candidates demonstrate the ability to teach to college- and career-ready standards. Providers present multiple forms of evidence to indicate candidates' developing content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, pedagogical skills, and the integration of technology in all of these domains.[ii] #O Selection At Completion #SO Document Candidate Reached Standard for Content Knowledge #ID CAEP-STAND-3.5 #SD Before the provider recommends any completing candidate for licensure or certification, it documents that the candidate has reached a high standard for content knowledge in the fields where certification is sought and can teach effectively with positive impacts on P-12 student learning and development. #SO Document Candidate Understands Profession Expectation #ID CAEP-STAND-3.6 #SD Before the provider recommends any completing candidate for licensure or certification, it documents that the candidate understands the expectations of the profession, including codes of ethics, professional standards of practice, and relevant laws and policies. CAEP monitors the development of measures that assess candidates' success and revises standards in light of new results. #OS Standard 4: Program Impact #O Impact on P-12 Student Learning & Development #SO Document Program Completers Contribute #ID CAEP-STAND-4.1 #SD The provider documents, using multiple measures, that program completers contribute to an expected level of student-learning growth. Multiple measures shall include all available growth measures (including value-added measures, student-growth percentiles, and student learning and development objectives) required by the state for its teachers and available to educator preparation providers, other state-supported P-12 impact measures, and any other measures employed by the provider. #O Indicators of Teaching Effectiveness #SO Demonstrate Completers Apply Knowledge, Skills, & Dispositions #ID CAEP-STAND-4.2 #SD The provider demonstrates, through structured and validated observation instruments and/or student surveys, that completers effectively apply the professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions that the preparation experiences were designed to achieve. #O Satisfaction of Employers #SO Demonstrate Employers are Satisfied With Completers’ Preparation #ID CAEP-STAND-4.3 #SD The provider demonstrates, using measures that result in valid and reliable data and including employment milestones such as promotion and retention, that employers are satisfied with the completers' preparation for their assigned responsibilities in working with P-12 students. #O Satisfaction of Completers #SO Demonstrate Completers Perceive Preparation as Relevant #ID CAEP-STAND-4.4 #SD The provider demonstrates, using measures that result in valid and reliable data, that program completers perceive their preparation as relevant to the responsibilities they confront on the job, and that the preparation was effective. #OS Standard 5: Provider Quality, Continuous Improvement, & Capacity #O Quality & Strategic Evaluation #SO QA System Comprised of Multiple Measures #ID CAEP-STAND-5.1 #SD The provider's quality assurance system is comprised of multiple measures that can monitor candidate progress, completer achievements, and provider operational effectiveness. Evidence demonstrates that the provider satisfies all CAEP standards. #SO QA System Relies on Relevant Measures #ID CAEP-STAND-5.2 #SD The provider's quality assurance system relies on relevant, verifiable, representative, cumulative and actionable measures, and produces empirical evidence that interpretations of data are valid and consistent. #O Continuous Improvement #SO Regularly & Systematically Assess Performance #ID CAEP-STAND-5.3 #SD The provider regularly and systematically assesses performance against its goals and relevant standards, tracks results over time, tests innovations and the effects of selection criteria on subsequent progress and completion, and uses results to improve program elements and processes. #SO Summarize Measures of Completer Impact #ID CAEP-STAND-5.4 #SD Measures of completer impact, including available outcome data on P-12 student growth, are summarized, externally benchmarked, analyzed, shared widely, and acted upon in decision-making related to programs, resource allocation, and future direction. #SO Involve Appropriate Stakeholders #ID CAEP-STAND-5.5 #SD The provider assures that appropriate stakeholders, including alumni, employers, practitioners, school and community partners, and others defined by the provider, are involved in program evaluation, improvement, and identification of models of excellence.