Also answers:
- What is an Anchor?
- What is a Connection?
There might be outcomes present across multiple outcome sets that will always need to be mapped at the same time to an element within your program or course. If this is the case, using the Coursetune Mapping Cascade feature could be the road to take. Mapping Cascades allow Admins and Managers to connect outcomes by creating a mapping shortcut. When you map from an outcome with a cascade, all the connected outcomes are automagically mapped too. Mapping cascades instantly show alignment across course, program, and division outcomes.
Key terms:
Cascade: an anchor outcome/suboutcome and its connections in outcome sets at the same or higher levels. A cascade maps all connected outcomes at once.
Anchor: the first outcome/suboutcome in a cascade. It’s the outcome that maps to the anchor and connected outcomes at once.
Connection: an outcome that is also mapped when mapping to an anchor. Connections are linked to anchors.
None: an outcome or suboutcome that is neither an anchor nor a connection
Want to know more about Mapping Cascades? Check out these articles:
- How do I create a Mapping Cascade?
- How do I edit a Mapping Cascade?
- How do I map using Mapping Cascades?
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