In Coursetune, a user can have many different roles on courses (level-4 objects), teams, or even on the institution/organization (level-1 folder).
Example: Fran is an instructor and part of the curriculum development team for the Math Department. She was added to Coursetune by her admin, and then she was granted different types of access at each level.
- Viewer of the institution (level-1). She can see every division (level-2 folder), program (level-3 folder) and course (level-4 object) in the institution, but she would not see the tuning comments unless those rights are specifically granted.
- Commenter for the Math Department (level-3). Inside this program, Fran can also make suggestions and participate in discussions.
- Editor on the College Algebra course (inside the Math Department). In addition to the commenting rights Fran already has in the Math Department, she can also edit anything in the design of College Algebra and map the course to outcomes.
When you add a normal user, you are just giving them access to your institution's Coursetune instance. As soon as you add the user, you should either:
- give the user roles on course teams and program teams where it is appropriate
- let the user's direct manager know the user has been added to Coursetune and is now ready to be added to course and program teams
In other words, someone needs to add the user to the right teams or they will have a very boring first Coursetune experience.
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