Also answers:
- Can I make another password?
- I need a different password
You may want to change your password manually for different reasons. Perhaps you want one that you can easily remember. or maybe you feel like creating a more secure login. Whatever your reason, we have you covered on how to do this.
Step 1- First, you will need to go to your Profile. To get there, click on your name in the top right bar, and then click on My Profile.
Step 2- In the My Profile modal, you can click on Change Password. The Change Password modal will open, giving you the choice of manually entering a new password or using the auto-generate button to create one. Make sure to save when you're done.
NOTE: What are the password requirements?
- Password length: minimum 8 chars, max 16
- All letters/numbers/lowercase and uppercase
- All these symbols: ! # $ % & ( ) /< = > ? @ [ ] _ { | } ~
There are other ways of changing your password if you forget it. You can use the Forgot Password link on the Coursetune login page. Read this article for those instructions: How can I reset my password if I can't login?
You can also reach out to your Coursetune admin for help. If you need the name(s) of your admin(s), you can always reach out to Coursetune support through the chat feature, or email us at
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