Also answers:
- Where did the learning objectives go?
Many of the elements of curriculum design are sentence based, which makes it very difficult to see the big picture design for a level-4 object or level-3 folder. We chose to provide an abbreviation of the learning objective for two reasons:
- To make visualizations of curriculum possible
- To lower the cognitive load of reading all those sentences over and over
Holding all the information about a level-4 object (in sentence form) in your head at once, or even trying to read all the sentences all the time places a very-high cognitive load on your brain. It’s much easier to do sorting and design work when you can think in smaller pieces. So we chose to abbreviate learning objectives. By default, we abbreviate learning objectives as two words, but you can do a manual override to choose three words (or choose different words).
Coursetune attempts to find the first verb (typically one of those learning verbs) and then a noun that follows that verb. We don’t always identify these, but we will chose some 2-word abbreviation automatically. If you have the appropriate access rights (Editor, Manager, Admin), you can choose to override the abbreviations chosen by Coursetune at any time.
Reference: How do I override the automatic LO abbreviation?
By lightening the cognitive load (just make sure your LO abbreviations are distinct from each other), we hope your sorting and designing tasks will be faster.
You can always see the full text of the learning objective you have selected by looking into the Descriptions panel. The Descriptions panel will always display all the database information about the selected element.
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