Also answers:
- How can I add a team member to a course (level-4 object)?
- How can I add a new team member to a program (level-3 folder)?
- How do I change the role of a user?
Adding team members is quick and easy through Access mode. In the Access panel, you can manage who is on the team, what their roles and permissions are, and add new members. With appropriate permissions, you can assign team members different roles to each of the 4 levels in Coursetune.
We recommend keeping editing rights to a minimum in order to preserve the data. All roles play a part, and it is up to Admins and Managers to delegate proper workflow.
1. Institution/Organization (Level 1):
Admins are able to control who has viewing rights to the institution/organization (level-1 folder). The only role available at the institution level is a viewing role. Why? When a user has a role of commenter or higher, they receive all communications for the level. We do not want any user receiving all communications for the institution (that would be a lot of comments to read) so we restrict role access at the institution level to viewers only.
2. Division (Level 2):
Early into your Coursetune journey as a Coursetune admin, we recommend to start with assigning managers and editors to the division (level 2) and programs (level 3 folders). Typically, a division might have one manager, and a program might have one manager and one or two editors.
3. Program (Level 3):
If you are the manager for a program (level-3 folder), one of your responsibilities is to manage who is on the program team. The program team consists of those people who should have access to at least view the program. Team members who are commenters, editors, or also managers receive communications about the program and any of the courses (level-4 objects) within the collection.
4. Course (Level 4):
If you are the manager for a course (level-4 object), one of your responsibilities is to manage who is on the course team. The course team consists of the people who should have access to at least view the course and receive communications about the course if they are at least a commenter.
To Grant Access to the Institution Level (Level 1)
Step 1- To grant a user viewing access to the institution, you need to be on the Institution Level (this will show as level 1,the very first icon in the left panel). Once you're there, turn on Access mode (people icon in right panel).
Step 2- The Access Panel will open. Select Grant Access, search for the user, and select them from the list.
Step 3- Next, in the Define User Role panel, choose Viewer from the menu. You'll notice that Viewer is the only option here. This is because only Admins can add elements, edit them, and manage users at the highest level.
To Grant Access to the Division Level (Level 2)
Step 1- To grant a user access to a division, you need to navigate to the desired division (this will show as the level 2 icon in the left panel). Once you're there, turn on Access mode (people icon in right panel). The Access Panel will open.
Step 2- Select Grant Access, search for the user, and select them from the list.
Step 3- Next, in the Define User Role panel, choose the appropriate role from the menu.
To Grant Access to the Program Level (Level 3)
Step 1- To grant a user access to a program, you need to navigate to the desired program (this will show as the level 3 icon in the left panel). Once you're there, turn on Access mode (people icon in right panel). The Access Panel will open.
Step 2- Select Grant Access, search for the user, and select them from the list.
Step 3- Next, in the Define User Role panel, choose the appropriate role from the menu.
To Grant Access to the Course Level (Level 4)
Step 1- To grant a user access to a course, you need to navigate to the desired course (this will show as the level 4 icon in the left panel). Once you're there, turn on Access mode (people icon in right panel). The Access Panel will open.
Step 2- Select Grant Access, search for the user, and select them from the list.
Step 3- Next, in the Define User Role panel, choose the appropriate role from the menu.
If you want to change the current role of a user, check out this article: How can I change the role of a team member?
Want to understand user roles better? We recommend these articles:
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