Also answers:
- Why can't I log in to Coursetune?
- What characters are accepted for passwords?
- What is a good password length?
It happens to us all; sometimes, we forget our passwords. Coursetune understands, and we can help you reset any time. It's as easy as using the Forgot Password? link on the Coursetune login page.
"We looked at the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to put together a picture that gives us actionable direction. Pairing that with Coursetune? That's where we started catching a lot of these amazing opportunities to improve the program with sound, informed data." - Dr. Mel Williams, Director of Institutional Effectiveness, Colorado Technical University |
Step 1- First, you need to make sure you're on the correct Coursetune login page,
Click the Forgot Password link to begin.
Step 2- The Forgot You Password? modal will pop up. Make sure your email is correct, then hit the Send button. If your email is in our system, you will receive an email.
Step 3- Now go find the email in your inbox. Make sure to check all folders, including spam, for the reset email. You can search for "Coursetune Teams" to help locate it. Follow the instructions in the email and click Reset Password.
Step 4- Enter your new password. We recommend something at least a good strength. Click the Continue button when you're ready.
NOTE: What are the password requirements?
- Password length: minimum 8 chars, max 16
- All letters/numbers/lowercase and uppercase
- All these symbols: ! # $ % & ( ) /< = > ? @ [ ] _ { | } ~
Step 5- If your new password is acceptable, the Continue to Coursetune button will appear. Click it to enter in your email and new password. You'll be back to tuning your curriculum in no time!
Want to change your password anytime within Coursetune? Refer to this article: How can I change my password?
You can also reach out to your Coursetune admin for help. If you need the name(s) of your admin(s), you can always reach out to Coursetune support through the chat feature, or email us at
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