Also answers:
- Do I have to build an outcome set by hand?
- How do I create a text file for an outcome set?
Who can do this? Editors and managers, and admins.
You can import outcome sets three different ways:
- You can build a text file to import
- You can build an Excel file to import
- You can export an existing outcome set from the Outcomes Batch Editor and then import it
You may want to read these articles:
In this article, we will show you how to build the text file for import.
Note: There are three sample outcome .txt files attached to this help file.
Let's begin by preparing a text file for outcome upload. Here's what such a file looks like:
The file consists of three blocks of information. In the first block of text (light green in the diagram above), we name the outcome set.
- #OS Outcome Set = Short name of mapping set
- #OL Outcome Long = Long description of mapping set (optional)
In the second block of text (repeated element in yellow in the diagram above), we write all the outcomes that belong to this mapping set.
- #O Outcome = short name of outcome
- #ID Identifier = outcome identification information (optional)
- #OD Outcome Description = description of the outcome (optional)
The identifier should be written on the same line as the outcome.
This text element will be repeated for each outcome you wish to add.
In the third block of text (the purple in the diagram above), we write all of the suboutcomes that belong in each outcome.
- #SO Suboutcome= short name of suboutcome
- #ID Identifier= suboutcome identification (optional)
- #SD Suboutcome Description= Description of suboutcome (optional)
When your file is prepared, make sure to save it with a .txt extension.
(1) Navigate to the desired level (level 4, level 3, level 2, or level 1), and turn on "Edit" mode
(2) Click on the + icon in the "Mappings" panel
(3) Select the .txt button and find the text file on your device
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