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Also answers:
- Can I see mappings on both sides of my course?
- How do the C-layers and bundles relate to each other?
One of the most powerful views in Coursetune is seeing how the C-layer and bundle layers relate to each other. This is done with the help of the right-side panel. The software will create these mappings for you once the C-layers and bundle layers are populated with your curriculum plans.
Why is this such an important view? Because it demonstrates the interleaving of concepts. It is one thing to say a list of competencies are covered in a course (level-4 object), but it is an entirely different conversation about the student experience when you can SEE when and how often students encounter these concepts. This will become an essential graph for stakeholders to have on hand when reviewing student outcomes, assessment data, level-4 object feedback and general evaluation.
Step 1: First, choose one of the layers (we will use bundle, in this example), and open the C-layers drop-down menu located in the right panel (below the line under Mappings).
Step 2: Selecting different C-layers will show how the bundles and C-layer elements relate to each other. The visualization will show blue on the circle graph.
Confused by the different layers? Check out this article: Why does Coursetune have two course (level-4 object) design layers?
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