Also answers:
- How can I tell if there are repeated learning objectives in my course?
Who can do this? Editors and managers with rights to the level-4 object and admins
NOTE: We only show duplicate LOs on the C-layer, since they end up collected into the same elements on this side and are usually distributed throughout the level-4 object on the bundle side.
First, navigate to the level-4 object and make sure you are on the C-layer. Turn on "Edit" mode and click on the edit icon at the center of the level-4 object.
The "Edit Level 4 Object" panel will pop up. Select "Show repeated LOs..." and then save.
The repeated LOs will now show red within each C-layer element.
Tip: Sometimes duplicate LO abbreviations are different words, because you can manually choose two to three words to represent the LO on the circle graph. When you expand the LO list, you'll see that the red abbreviated LOs are indeed exact duplicates of each other in full text.
The duplicate LOs will show as red text inside the "Learning Objective" panel too.
Additionally, you can set this option when adding a brand new level-4 object from the "Add Level 4 Object" panel.
Related article: Why are duplicate LOs a problem?
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