Also answers:
- Which questions will each report answer?
- What course data can I generate?
- What division reports can I generate?
- What program information can I generate?
Ready to see insights in your data? Run a report at any stage in your development cycle to test and iterate on your curriculum architecture and mapping. All Coursetune users can generate reports. Here's a breakdown of all the reports at each level in Coursetune.
"We're able to recognize how the course fits in the greater vision of the university. I think that does two things. One, it ensures that students are presented content that's in accordance with the goals and mission of the university, which is very, very important. Two, it allows the instructor to see the purpose, which I think poses a better or more of a greater vested interest in the creation of content, whether it be engaging and interactive. I think it's kind of stimulates that intrinsic motivation to know that what you're doing is a part of a greater outcome." -Barbara Williamson-Holley, Assistant Director of Instructional Technology and Distance Education, South Carolina State University |
Course (Level-4) Reports
Report Name and Description |
Questions it Answers |
Resources |
Bundle to C-layer Report Used by: Program chairs, curriculum committee, faculty, adjuncts
This report generates visualizations of how the two layers in a course map to each other. |
See article: How do I use the Bundle to C-layer Correlation Report? |
Course (Level 4) Activity Report Used by: Program chairs, curriculum committee, faculty, adjuncts This report generates a list of all activities (both assessments and learning activities) tied to the course.
See article: How do I use the Course (Level 4) Activities Report? |
Course (Level 4) Alignment Report Used by: Faculty, adjuncts, program chairs This report generates all the relevant info relating learning objectives to the c-layer, LO scales, learning activities, and assessment activities. Quickly identify places where you might have too much or too little assessment by seeing all the data in one place. |
See article: How do I use the Course (Level 4) Alignment Report? |
Course (Level 4) Plan for Bundle Report Used by: Faculty, adjuncts, instructional designers This report generates the basic logistics (time and points) about selected activities connected to a bundle, and then lists the learning objectives for each activity. |
See article: How do I use the Plan for Bundle Report? |
Course (Level 4) Learning Design Report Used by: Use this report to assess the learning design and architecture for a course. This report includes details about the pace, scaffolding, and activities connected to learning objectives. Teaching and learning experts will find value in the information that helps them target orphans, duplicates, and learning scale progression. |
See article: How do I use the Course (Level 4) Learning Design Report? |
Course (Level 4) LO Report Used By: Educators, instructional designers, SMEs This report can be used to assess the complexity of the course learning objectives, locate LOs that haven’t been assigned to a learning scale, and review the progressive scaffolding of the LOs in the course. Educators, instructional designers, and SMEs will find this information valuable early in course design and as an audit for quality learning scaffolding. |
See article: How do I use the Course (Level 4) LO Report? |
Course (Level 4) Mapping Grid Report Used by: Program chairs, curriculum committee This report shows you the mapping properties of a course down to the learning objectives in a grid-style format. You can view a detailed report or a summary report. |
See article: How do I use the Course (Level 4) Grid Mapping Report? |
Course (Level 4) Outcomes Report Used by: Program chairs, curriculum committee This report generates a list of outcomes met by the course. |
See article: How do I use the Course (Level 4) Outcomes Report? |
Course (Level 4) Summary Report Used by: Faculty, adjuncts, program chairs This report generates the information most commonly found in a syllabus or a LMS course shell. |
See article: How do I use the Course (Level 4) Summary Report? |
Course (Level 4) Tuning Report Used by: Use this report to track comments, suggestions, and the status of discussed items. This report lists all open suggestions and tells you who to follow up with. |
See article: How do I use the Course Tuning Report? |
Course (Level 4) Syllabus Report Used by: Faculty, adjuncts, program chairs, curriculum committee, students and parents The report generates a list of all the bundles on a course, and all of the activities and assessments in each bundle. |
See article: How do I use the Syllabus Report? |
Course (Level 4) Syllabus Report for Variations Used by: Faculty, adjuncts, instructional designers, The Syllabus Report for Variations organizes what's being taught and assessed by bundles in a course variation. Use this report to communicate expectations of what learning objectives will be taught and when they will be assessed. This report is commonly used as syllabus documentation. |
See article: How do I use the Syllabus Report for Variations |
Course (Level 4) Variations Activity Report Used by: Faculty, Program chairs, adjuncts, curriculum committees When variations of a course have been made, this report can help assess how much time is spent by students on certain activities, the ways they are being engaged, and the frequency of assessments. Use this report to audit types of activities and how they are distributed across all variations of a course. |
See article: How do I use the Variations Activity Report? |
Mapping Cascades Report |
See article: How do I use the Mapping Cascades Report? |
Connections to Mapping Cascades |
See article: How do I use the Connections in Mappings Cascades Report? |
Level-3 (Program) Reports
Report Name and Description |
Questions it Answers |
Resources |
Program (Level 3) Learning Design Report Used by: Program coordinators, instructional designers, faculty Use this report to assess the learning design and architecture for a collection of courses at Level-3. This report includes details about the balance and pace of courses, the frequency of different activity types, and the distribution of those activities across the courses. Curriculum design teams can use this report to target the learning scale progress and average across the courses in Level-3. |
See article: How do I use the Program (Level 3) Learning Design Report?
Program (Level 3) Collection of Syllabi Used by: program coordinators, instructional designers, faculty Save time when you need to review all the syllabi from a collection of courses with this reporting option. This download is a collection of all the syllabi inside Level-3. The result will be a zip file containing each individual syllabus report. |
See article: How do I use the Program (Level 3) Collection of Syllabi? |
Program (Level 3) Assessment of Outcomes Report (AKA- Assessment summary report, assessment alignment summary report, accreditation report) Used by: Program chair, provost, assessment team, curriculum committee This report shows everywhere an outcome or goal is assessed across a program (level-3 folder). Choose an Outcome Set for a program and then the report shows you (for every course (level-4 object) in the program):
See article: How do I use the Assessment of Outcomes Report?
Program (Level 3) Activities Report Used by: Program chair, assessment teams, and curriculum committee This report shows the learning and assessment activities across all the courses (level-4 objects) in a program (level-3 folder). |
See article: How do I use the Program (Level 3) Activities Report? |
Program (Level 3) Mappings Report Used by: All groups There are four visualizations generated with the Program Mappings Report: The Presence or absence visualization lists all the course (level-4 objects) in the program (level-3 folder) and shows you whether these courses map to a particular set of goals or outcomes (using check-marks where the courses have some connection to the goals or outcomes). You can choose to include suboutcomes in this visualization. The Depth of Coverage Overview visualization lists all the courses (level-4 objects) in the program (level-3 folder) and shows you how deeply these courses map to a particular set of goals or outcomes (using color density - the deeper the color, the higher the correspondence in the mapping). You can also choose to include sub-outcomes in this visualization. The Depth of Coverage By Outcome visualization is similar to the previous visualization, but now we take a deep dive into each outcome individually. In this report, you can see all the details for each outcome (percent mapped, which design elements were actually mapped, etc). The Depth of Coverage by Bundle visualization organizes courses (level-4 objects) by the “bundles of learning” that are used to deliver the sequence of learning to students (units, modules, sessions, sections, etc.). This visualization shows each outcome or goal is distributed across the delivery sequence in which the course is taught. |
See article: How do I use the Program (Level 3) Mappings Report? |
Level-2 (Division) Reports
Report Name and Description |
Questions it Answers |
Resources |
Division (Level 2) Collection of Program (Level 3) Mappings Reports Used by: Program chair, curriculum committee, provosts and presidents, assessment teams This report will auto-generate all the program (level 3) mappings reports within a division (level-2 folder) for division or institution (level 1) outcome sets. |
See article: How do I use the Division (Level 2) Collection of Program (Level 3) Mappings Report? |
Want to create your own customized report for your course (level-4 object) or program (level 3)? Check out these articles:
- How do I create a custom course level (level 4) report?
- How do I create a custom program level (level 3) report?
- How do I add a logo to my custom reports?
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