Also answers:
Want a team member to have editing rights on one of the variations on a course? As a Manager of a course with the Variations feature turned on, you may want to grant role permissions on specific variations. These features allow you to control who can do what with granular precision. In CourseTune, there are three variation-specific roles you can assign:
- Viewer-v
- Commenter-v
- Editor-v
Step 1: Assigning team members to a specific variation works the same as assigning them to a regular course. First, make sure you are on the specific course (level-4 object) variation, and click on the Access icon in the bottom bar to open the Access Panel.
Step 2: Next, click on the Grant Access button, and find the user you would like to add. You can scroll the list, or search for them. In the Define User Role panel, choose the variation-specific role from the drop-down menu to assign. Press Save when done.
In the Access panel, you will see -v next to the user roles, which tells you their role is for this specific variation. These users will only see the Base Variation, and the specific variation they are assigned to.
Note: Users assigned roles on a Base Variation will have access to all variations in the entire stack.
Want to know more about what user roles can do with Variations? Check out this article: Who can do what on course (level-4 object) variations?
To find out more about CourseTune user roles in particular, you can read this article: How are the roles defined on a Course (level 4), Program (Level 3), Division (Level 2), or Institution (Level 1) Team?
If you'd like to know all about the Variations Feature, here are more articles:
- How do I turn off the Variations feature?
- How do I create a course (level-4 object) variation?
How do I add activities to my course (level-4 object) variation?
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