LTI 1.3 is the 1EdTech security standard for integrations.
Canvas admins who are also Coursetune admins can install Coursetune's LTI 1.3 tool.
- If Coursetune's LTI 1.1 is already installed, the integration will NOT automatically update to LTI 1.3. To update from LTI 1.1 to LTI 1.3, please follow instructions beginning with Part 2: LTI Key.
- It is important to note that Canvas does not allow developer keys to be created for specific Canvas subaccounts. You will be doing the integration at the main level of your account.
Part 1: API Key
Step 1: Create the API Key in Canvas
Open both Canvas and Coursetune in separate tabs and keep them open.
(1) In Canvas, click the Admin panel on the left side and select Developer Keys within your account menu.
(2) Click plus +Developer Key to access the Key Setting panel and name your key.
(3) Choose plus +API Key
Now, go to your Coursetune tab.
(4) From the top bar, select the hamburger menu.
(5) From the drop down menu, select Integrations.
Note: If you do not see hamburger menu in the top bar, then you do not have admin access to Coursetune and will need to request it from another Coursetune admin.
(6) Select Canvas Integration from the left drop down menu. Then, switch the toggle on the top right to LTI 1.3.
Keep this page open. You will be copying elements in this Coursetune page and pasting into Canvas.
(7) In Canvas, be sure to name your Developer Key Coursetune. You can click on the clipboard in Coursetune's Canvas Part 1. API Key settings to copy and then paste into Canvas.
(8) Copy the Redirect URIs from the Canvas Part 1. API Key settings in Coursetune by clicking on the clipboard to the right.
Then, switch to the Canvas tab and paste into the Redirect URIs text field in Canvas.
(9) Click Save in Canvas to generate the Developer Account ID.
Coursetune should now appear in your list of Developer Keys. Make sure the Key State is On.
Keep your Canvas Admin browser tab open for Step 2.
Step 2: Insert Developer Account ID and Key in Coursetune
Next, you will enter your newly created Developer Account ID number and Developer Key from Canvas into Coursetune's Canvas Part 1. API Key settings.
(1) Copy the ID above the "Show Key" button in Canvas for the Coursetune Key just created. Click on the pencil to the right of Coursetune's Canvas Part 1. API Key settings Developer ID and paste.
(2) Click the "Show Key" button in Canvas for the Coursetune Key just created. Copy the Key in the pop-up.
Then, click on the pencil to the right of Coursetune's Canvas Part 1. API Key settings Developer Key and paste.
(3) Now, click on the pencil to the right of Platform Domain and paste or type your institution's Canvas URL such as
(4) Click Save in Coursetune. Keep this Coursetune page open so that you can come back to it in Step 3.
Part 2: LTI 1.3
Step 1: Create the LTI Key in Canvas
(1) In Canvas, click the Admin panel on the left side and select Developer Keys within your account menu.
(2) Click plus +Developer Key to access the Key Setting panel and name your key.
(3) Choose plus +LTI Key
(4) In the LTI Key screen, from the Method dropdown, choose Enter URL.
(5) Copy Key name, JSON URL, and Redirect URL from Coursetune, and paste Key name, JSON URL, and Redirect URL into its matching field in the Canvas LTI Key creation screen.
(5a) Copy from Coursetune.
(5b) Paste into Canvas LTI Key with Enter URL as the Method.
(6) Click Save in Canvas.
(7) Activate the LTI 1.3 key by moving the State toggle. You can tell it is an LTI 1.3 key because of the plug icon under Type.
Step 2: Update Coursetune
(1) In Canvas, copy the client id (above Show Key) for the Coursetune LTI 1.3 Key, which has a plug icon in the Type column.
(2) Paste it into Coursetune Canvas LTI 1.3 under Part 2. LTI.
(3) Do not edit Issuer.
(4) Click Save in Coursetune.
Step 3: Add App in Canvas
(1) From the Canvas Admin panel, select Settings.
(2) Click on the Apps tab.
(3) On the Apps tab, select View App Configurations.
(4) Click on plus +App to open the Add App window.
(5) Select By Client ID from the Configuration Type drop down menu.
(6) Copy the Client ID from Coursetune's Canvas LTI 1.3 settings by clicking the clipboard on the right, and paste into the Canvas Add App window.
(7) Click Submit in the Canvas Add App window.
Step 4: Save the Deployment in Coursetune
(1) Locate the Coursetune App in the list, and click on the Settings wheel to the far right, and choose Deployment Id.
(2) Copy the Deployment ID in Canvas.
(3) In Coursetune's Canvas LTI 1.3 Part 2 settings, click the edit pencil on the right of the Deployment ID and paste.
(4) Click Save in Coursetune.
Now, faculty and staff will be able to access Coursetune. They can link their Canvas course to their Coursetune course (level-4 object), edit their Coursetune course while in Canvas, and push a course from Coursetune into their Canvas course.
Here are some instructor-facing directions to share:
- What can I do with Coursetune in Canvas?
- Role permissions in Canvas and Coursetune
- How do I link and unlink Coursetune courses (level-4 objects) with my Canvas courses?
- What information does Coursetune push to Canvas?
- How do I push a level-4 object (course) or edits from Coursetune to Canvas?
- What if a Canvas user does not have access to Coursetune?
Step 5: OPTIONAL Remove Coursetune link from Course Navigation
If the link to Coursetune should not appear in all courses, edit the LTI Developer Key and remove Course Navigation.
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