Also answers:
- How do I mark a suggestion as planned?
- How do I mark a suggestion as implemented?
- How do I mark a suggestion as closed
Collaborating in Coursetune happens right where it matters most-- on the course design. Once comments and suggestions have been made on the course, you are ready to turn them into action items. This feature can help you keep up with your continuous improvement efforts.
As a Manager of a course (level-4 object) or program (level-3 folder), you can manage the suggestions and comments left by team members over time by changing their status to one of four options:
- Open
- Planned (populates on the Task List)
- Implemented (completed on the Task List)
- Closed
Step 1: From the program or course level (we will use course level in this example), make sure Tuning mode is turned on, and click on a suggestion (grey or orange marks) on the circle graph .
Step 2: Click on the desired suggestion, and then click on Suggestion Status at the bottom of the panel. You can now select a status.
- Planned will add the suggestion as a task on the Task List.
- Implemented with add it as a completed task on the Task List.
- Closed will remove it from the Task List.
Note: Once a suggestion has been changed from open to something else, it will no longer be available for comments unless the status is changed back to open.
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