Also answers:
- What are the check marks in the access panel?
- How do inherited rights work in Coursetune?
There are four structural levels in Coursetune: Institution/Organization (Level 1), Division (Level 2), Program (Level 3), and Course (Level 4).
When a user is assigned a role on a particular level, that role is inherited by the levels below it.
When a user is assigned a role on a particular level, we give the user "pass through" viewing access to the levels above the level where the role is assigned.
This is easier to explain with a few examples.
Suppose Amy has a Viewer role on Level 1 --> |
Level 1: Amy is a Viewer of Level 1. |
Suppose Bob has only an Editor role on a Level-2 Folder called "School of Education" --> |
Level 1: Bob can pass through and view Level 1, but will only see "School of Education." |
Suppose Jill has only a Manager role on a Level-3 Folder called "Special Ed" (located in the Level-2 Folder called "School of Education")
Level 1: Jill can pass through and view Level 1, but will only see "School of Education." |
If a user has inherited rights, they cannot be downgraded to a role lower than the one they have inherited.
For example: Bob cannot be downgraded to a Viewer or Commenter for any course in the "School of Education" because he has already inherited the higher rights of an Editor for those level-4 objects. However, we can assign (upgrade) Bob to a higher role (manager) on any level-4 object where he is currently an editor by inherited rights.
In the "Access" mode, use the "inherited rights" column to see who has their rights on a level through inheritance.
- No check mark = the user has been assigned rights at this level
- Solid check mark = the user is inheriting rights from a level above this
- Outlined check mark = the user is an admin, but is also assigned an actual role on a level above this one
Want to know more about roles? Check out these articles:
- How do team roles work with levels?
- How are the roles defined on a Course (level 4), Program (Level 3), Division (Level 2), or Institution (Level 1) Team?
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