Also answers:
- Can I have activities in the right panel without learning objectives?
- Does an activity have to be connected to a learning objective?
Most course (level-4 object) editors and managers in Coursetune have learning objectives or assessment criteria already inside their course by the time they are ready to add Assessments and Learning Activities. However, if you have Assessments or Learning Activities but don’t know which learning objectives they are connected to yet, you can create a “placeholder” learning objective. You can connect the activities later to the correct LOs.
Build the placeholder LO:
Create the Assessment or Learning Activity on the placeholder LO:
Delete the placeholder LO, leaving the Assessment or Learning Activity in the Activities panel:
Step 1: First, you will need to create a placeholder LO. At the course level (level 4), make sure to be on the bundle layer (activities can only be created and viewed from this layer), and turn on Edit mode. Click the bundle of choice, and then click + learning objective. Name the LO "placeholder".
Step 2: Once you have created a placeholder LO, click on the Activities icon (the gear) in the upper right panel. Click the plus sign + icon to create a new activity. You can connect the new activity to the placeholder LO. Once named and saved, the visualization of the activity will show on the course.
See How do I create an Assessment or Learning Activity if you need to more instructions.
Step 3: Now you can disconnect the activity from the placeholder LO by simply deleting the LO (see How do I delete a learning objective? for more in-depth instructions).
You cannot edit the course while in the Activities panel. So you will need to exit the Activities panel in order to see the editing tools. You can click on the Map icon to take you back to the Mappings panel. You will see the editing tools now. Select the LO and drag it to the trash can in the lower right corner.
This will leave the activity in the right panel. You can then connect it later to the proper LO(s).
Ready to connect an assessment or activity to your LOs? Check out this article: How do I connect an activity to an LO?
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