Also answers:
- Can I see mappings and assessments or assignments at the same time?
- Can I see LO scale or taxonomy and assessments or assignments at the same time?
After assessments have been added to a course graph, you may ask: How do the assessments and learning activities align to the outcome sets for the program or department?
Once activities and assessments have been added, it's very helpful to see which activities and assessments are accomplishing which course goals, program goals, and even division or institutional goals. Turning on mapping before turning on activities is what allows you to see the interleaving of concepts to make sure you're introducing and revisiting concepts, supporting the learning through engaging activities, assessing the right objectives at the right time, and ultimately addressing learning goals the way you want.
By using the instructions below you'll be able to visualize the full course graph, all learning assignments and assessments, and the relationship to a particular course goal or outcome set with outcome scale.
Step 1: To view activities and mappings together, you can select a mapping and leave it on while you turn activities on. First, make sure you are at the course level (level 4), and then click on a mapping set to open it. Select the outcome or sub-outcome you would like to display.
Note that you can do this for checkmark mappings (shown in light gray), Outcome Scale mappings (various colors), and LO Scale mappings (grayscale colors). The example screenshot shows Outcome Scale mappings.
Step 2: Now, make sure you are on the bundle side of your course, and click the Activities icon in the upper right panel. The default view will be View All Activities. You can select individual activities or activity groups to see the mapping alignments.
*Tip, click the Mappings Off icon (mapping with a slash) to stop viewing mappings anytime.
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