Also answers:
- How do I search for a Coursetune course to link to my Canvas course?
- Can I link more than one Canvas course to my Coursetune course?
The four Coursetune level names are customizable. We will refer to the default language of the Coursetune levels in this article:
- Institution (Level 1)
- Division (Level 2)
- Program (Level 3)
- Course (Level 4)
Who can do this? Viewers and higher to the Coursetune course, and admins
Refer to this article: How are the roles defined on a Course, Program, Division, or Institution Team?
To link a Canvas course to a Coursetune course:
When you are logged into Canvas, navigate to the course you want to link or unlink in Coursetune. You can do this either through the "Courses" or "Dashboard" tabs.
Scroll down the left navigation and click "Coursetune".
If the course is not linked in Coursetune, then you will see a notification. Click "Next" to proceed. The "Find Course" panel will open. Any courses that you have rights to will appear. Search the list and select the desired course. Press "Link Course".
Please note that users will only see levels and course they have rights to.
Your Canvas course is now linked to a Coursetune course. It will appear each time you select "Coursetune" in that specific Canvas course menu.
To unlink a Canvas course from a Coursetune course:
From your desired Canvas course, scroll down the left navigation to "Coursetune".
Once inside Coursetune, click on the "Unlink" button in the left panel. If you are sure, click "Unlink". You will be be walked back through the message panels required to link a course. If you choose not to link a new Coursetune course right then, click "Cancel" inside either message panel to be taken back to the "Home" page of your Canvas course.
Linking multiple Canvas courses to one Coursetune course:
You can link multiple Canvas courses to a single Coursetune course. Clicking the "link" icon above the Coursetune course will open a panel to show you which Canvas course(s) it is linked to.
To link the Coursetune course to more Canvas courses, simple navigate to the desired course in Canvas and walk back through the linking steps above.
NOTE: One Canvas course may not be linked to more than one Coursetune course.
Related article: How do I push a Coursetune course to my Canvas course?
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