Also answers:
- What data can I see in the Activities Panel?
- What data can I see on the course and program Activities Reports?
- What data do I need to have to build activities and assessments in Coursetune?
Activity Panel
Coursetune's Activities and Assessment panel is a powerful feature that serves many purposes:
- To provide a wizard that walks the designer through essential properties for quality lessons and assessments.
- To provide faculty with a visualization of the types of planned activities and assessments and how they fit together.
- To provide teams with alignment graphs and reports to be used in curriculum and assessment discussions.
Expand the Properties panel on the right, and select a specific property to view coverage alignments across activities. The visualizations will highlight blue on the LOs connected to the specific activities.
Within each of the colored rings is a long list of properties essential to course (level-4 object) and program (level-3 folder) evaluation, reporting, and accreditation requirements.
Complete list of Activities Properties
"*" Indicates a required field.
*Learning objectives alignment
*Activity type (30+ options, such as discussion, exam, lab, etc.)
Assessment (yes/no)
*Activity name
Activity description
Activity ID
Rubric information
Asset links (URLs to actual content or resources)
Modality (options for face-to-face, online, blended)
Engagement (options including substantive interaction with expert)
Grading level (7 options)
Planned student time for activity
Save as a default for the activity type (yes/no)
Need to know how to create an activity? Check out this article: How do I create an Assessment or Learning Activity?
Cuursetune generates a couple reports based on activities. For more information, check out these articles:
- How do I use the Course (Level 4) Activities Report?
- How do I use the Program (level 3) Activities Report?
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