Also answers:
- Can I import an outcome set from an Excel file?
You can import an outcome set from an Excel file. The goal of this feature is to provide an upload file for outcome sets in a familiar format to users.
Important: This upload format does not include mappings to other learning elements.
You will need to create two sheets inside the Excel file named called "Outcome Set Info" and "Outcomes" (be sure to use the same capitalization and spelling).
On the "Outcome Set Info" sheet, make three columns with headers: id, name, and description (use only lowercase letters or the Excel file will not import into Coursetune).
- "id" is the Outcome Set ID (optional)
- "name" is the title of the Outcome Set (required)
- "description" is the description of the Outcome Set (optional)
On the "Outcomes" sheet, include four columns: level, id, name, and description (use only lowercase letters or the Excel file will not import into Coursetune).
- "level" tells Coursetune if the outcome is a "Main" or "Sub" outcome (required)*
- "id" is the Outcome or Suboutcome identifier or ID (optional)
- "name" is the title or short name of the Outcome or Suboutcome (required)
- "description" is the description of the Outcome or Suboutcome (Optional)
Note: "level" does not represent the import level (like Level 1, Level 2, ...). The import level is chosen by the level where Import File is selected.
A sample Excel file for Outcome Set Import called "CSWE Standards" is attached to this article.
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