Also answers:
- How do I see my Coursetune course (level-4 object) in Moodle?
- How can I edit my Coursetune course (level-4 object in Moodle?
Who can do this? Anyone with a teacher role in Moodle, provided an administrator has installed the Coursetune Graphing Tool at the admin level first.
A. Begin by navigating to the desired Moodle course (1) and turn on editing (2).
B. Select "Add and activity or resource" (3) and then select the "Coursetune Graph Tool" from the left panel (4). Select "Add".
C. From the "Adding a new External tool" panel, name the tool "Coursetune Graph" (5) and select "Save and return to course" (6).
D. The Coursetune Graph tool will now show for all users in your Moodle course. You will want to hide the Coursetune Graph Tool so that students don't see it. If a student clicks on the Coursetune Graph Tool, they will get an error because they don't have a Coursetune account.
E. Now you can click on the tool to link your Moodle course to your Coursetune course (level-4 object).
Related articles:
- What learning elements can be extracted from Coursetune and Inserted into Moodle?
- How do I link or unlink my Moodle course to my Coursetune course (level-4 object)?
- How do I integrate Coursetune with Moodle TinyMCEditor?
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