Outcome Scales are used in course design as an additional layer of information that helps describe some particular feature of that outcome and how it scaffolds across a course. For example, I,R,M stands for Introduce, Reinforce, Master and describes the progression of a student's mastery of a specific outcome it would be paired with. Each outcome scale allows you to add more information to the course design. You can choose up to two outcome scales to turn on and map to the elements on your course circle graph. While only two are displayed on the circle graph at a time, you can have them all by switching scales in the Mapping Batch Editor. Each scale level has a unique color for easy identification at a glance. There are currently twelve outcome scales that can be used in Coursetune and the ability to create custom scales.
- I,E,R,A*
- E, D, T
- I, B, F
- I, R, M, A
- I, R, A
- B, I, A
- X, M*
- I, R, D
- I,R,M
- I, D, M
- I, R, P, A
- K, S, A
- K, A, S
Don't see your scale? Check out this article on how to customize your own scale: How do I turn on Outcome Scales?
Watch a video about Outcome Scales and follow along in the tutorial. Read more about the benefits in our blog. |
*IERA and XM are outcome scales from the following article:
Veltri, N. F., Webb, H. W., Matveev, A. G., & Zapatero, E. G. (2011). Curriculum Mapping as a Tool for Continuous Improvement of IS Curriculum. Journal of Information Systems Education, 22(1), 31-42.
Ready to map to your outcome scales? Check out this article: How do I create mappings on a course (level-4 object)?
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