Also answers:
- How do I add General Info to Catalyst?
1. Your Info
Add your biography, and an image. Both will display in the “Meet Your Faculty” page in the LMS.
Note: Faculty name is pre-populated and set in Coursetune. If a faculty’s name is incorrect, contact Coursetune Support (chat in lower left) or
2. Communications
You can select standard options or provide custom answers for office hours, office location, phone, email (pre-set), response time to emails, and feedback time on assignments. Some information from this page appears on the “Meet Your Faculty” page, and other details appear in course policies. All fields are required for the completion checkmark, except for phone.
Note the reminder to faculty about QM 5.3 for setting expectations about communication and feedback on assignments.
3. Course Info
Course name and course ID will likely have been added in Coursetune before you have been assigned to the Catalyst.
If a course description was also added in Coursetune, this subsection will be complete. If the course description was not added in Coursetune, you can add it here.
Course name and course ID are extensively used in the LMS pages.
The course description is used for Coursetune reports. The course description in Catalyst is NOT used for Course Welcome or Course Home, which are controlled by Common Elements.
4. Required Materials
You can add the required materials list in Catalyst. The only required field is the title; citation and URL are optional. One item is required for the check mark in this section.
Be aware that this list of required materials is NOT currently exported to the LMS. It is NOT a standard page in the LMS, so faculty will NOT have access to this information after the Catalyst is “finished.”
If all required fields in each sub-page are complete, you will see a pop-up with congratulatory confetti after clicking “Next” on 4. Required Materials.
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