Also answers:
- How do I add a unit?
- How do I add a week?
- How do I add a module?
Coursetune has two parallel course (level-4 object) design layers called the C-layer and the Bundle layer. It's important to understand the difference between the two layers before you begin building courses. For more information on the two design layers in Coursetune, check out the Related Articles section at the end of this article.
The bundle layer is where you organize the "bundles of learning" that you deliver to the learners. You can select what you want to name the bundles on a course-by-course basis. Here are the current choices for bundle names:
- bundles
- lesson
- module
- session
- week
- project
- unit
- subunit
- chapter
- section
- topics
- subtopic
Add one bundle:
Or add multiple bundles:
Add a Bundle
Step 1- If you are an Editor or Manager of a course (level-4 object) or program (level-3 folder), you can add bundles to the courses you manage. To do this, you need to start on the bundle side of your course (lower left panel, under Layers) Please note that the layer names will reflect what they have been changed to (Weeks, Topics, Modules, Units, etc.). Make sure you have turned on Edit mode.
Step 2- To add the bundle, click on plus sign +. You can choose to add a single bundle, or multiple bundles at once.
Step 3- If adding a single bundle, you can name your bundle in the Add Bundle panel. We recommend choosing something short so it will be easy to see on the circle graph. Press the Add button when you're finished.
Note: A title for the bundle is mandatory while the description and ID are optional. You may find it useful to use the ID field to coordinate to a reference in a textbook or courseware program. The bundle ID field accepts all standard keyboard characters.
Add Multiple Bundles
You may be copying and pasting many bundle titles from an outside document. The Add Multiple Bundles panel makes that easy. Choose the format you are pasting:
- Bundles separated by line break (enter)
- Empty line between Bundles
- Bundles separated by semicolons
Once pasted in, check off the boxes that make sense, and click Preview to make sure the bundle titles look the way you'd like them to.
Note: Please avoid creating courses with more than thirty bundles, as it will begin to crowd the circle graph visualization. If you'd like help designing such a course, please reach out to
Want to know how to change your bundle type? Check out this article: How do I set the bundle type?
You may also want to know more about the two course design layers in Coursetune. Take a look: Why does Coursetune have two course (level-4 object) design layers?
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