Also answers:
- Can I copy my course?
- Can I have the same course in two different programs?
Who can do this? Editors and managers with rights to the level-4 object being copied, and admins
You can copy a level-4 object between level-3 folders and level-2 folders. You may also want to read about shared level-4 objects because they are a good alternative if you don't want the level-4 object copies to ever be out of sync with each other.
Refer to this article: Whats the difference between a copied and a shared level-4 object?
(1) Navigate to the destination level-3 folder, and turn on "Edit" mode
(2) Click on the "+"
(3) In the "Add Level 4 Object" panel, select "Copy"
The "Copy Level 4 Object" panel will open. In the search field, type in the name of the level-4 object you want to copy. Then click the "Copy Level-4 Object" button. It will take a few moments for the copy to happen. You will then see a notification confirming the course was successfully copied.
Note: When a level-4 object is copied inside the same level-3 folder, any mappings from the original level-4 object are also copied.
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