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Also answers:
- How do I delete a unit, week, or module?
- How do I delete a competency, CLO, or course goal?
Who can do this? Editors and managers with rights to the level-4 object, and admins.
There are two options to delete a c-layer element or bundle element:
- Drag the c-layer element or the bundle to the trash can
- Delete directly from the batch editor
To delete by dragging to the trash can
Make sure you are in "Edit" mode and simple click the desired bundle or c-layer and drag to the trash can in the bottom right corner.
You can choose to leave the learning objectives on the level-4 object as orphans, or delete them along with the element.
To delete from the LO batch editor
Make sure you are in "Edit" mode and click on the desired c-layer/bundle element. Click the pencil icon that appears. The LO batch editor will open; click the trash can next to the title (on the right side) and choose to leave the LOs behind as orphans, or to have them delete with the c-layer/bundle element.
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