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Also answers:
- How do I change the bundle titles?
- How do I change the C-layer titles?
- I want all the bundles and C-layers to be the same types
When a group of courses is organized into some kind of collection, like a degree or certificate program, the organization typically wants a consistent name (e.g. competencies, CLOs, etc.) for the C-layer in order to produce reports. The same could be said for the bundle names in certain cases, so in Coursetune, we've made it easy for Managers to set the default layer types at higher levels.
When a bundle title is set at the program level, the manager has two options:
- Make it the default for new courses in the program
- Override all the existing course in the program and make it the default
By default, setting the C-layer type at this level will automatically cascade to all courses within the program, in order to maintain consistency in reporting.
Step 1: As a Manager of the program (level 3) or division (level 2), make sure you are on the division level, and turn on Edit mode.
Step 2: Mouse over the program, and click on the edit pencil.
Step 3: You can select the bundle or C-layer type from the dropdown menus. For bundles, you can also check the Apply this change to all existing courses inside this program, if you wish. If you do not check this box, only newly created programs will be set to the new bundle type you have selected.
Want to know more about the two different layers in Coursetune? Check out this article: Why does Coursetune have two course (level-4 object) design layers?
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