Also answers:
- What outcome sets do you have available for import?
- Do you have a standards library of mapping sets or outcome sets I can choose from?
Watch: How can mapping sets in Coursetune make your life easier? |
Coursetune maintains import files for many standards and outcome lists. These are available only to customers. Dates are also listed below so you know whether the list is up-to-date with the version you are using.
Don't see the outcome set you need? Use live chat to request it.
- AACN Essentials (Nursing Baccalaureate, Masters, DNP and Clinical Resources) (8/3/2018)
- AACN Essentials (2021)
- AACSB (Business Standards) (7/28/2020)
- AANP Standards (Standards for Nurse Practitioners) (3.5.19)
- ABET (Criteria for Engineering Programs) (2022-2023)
- ABHES (Dental Assisting, Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Massage Therapy & Bodyworks, Medical Assisting, Medical Laboratory Technology, Pharmacy Technology)
- ACEN Standards (3.5.19)
- ACOTE (Doctoral, Master's, Baccalaureate, and Associates) (2020)
- ACRL (Psychology Information Literacy Standards) (1/22/19)
- APA (Guidelines for Undergraduate Psychology) (7/26/2018)
- APRN Doctoral Competencies (10/2017)
- Aspiring Leader Standards (11/2020)
- AVMA (Vet Tech CVTEA Accreditation Standards) (7/26/2021)
- B.E.S.T (Badging Essential Skills for Transitions) (10/17/18)
- CAAHEP Standards
- CAEP Standards (Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation) (1/18/19)
- CAPTE-PTA Standards
- CCNE Standards (Baccalaureate and Graduate Nursing Programs) (2/28/19)
- CEPH Foundational Competencies (Public Health) (08/21)
- D1
- D2
- D3
- D9
- D10
- D12
- CPP Psychology Learning Outcomes (1/22/19)
- C-RAC Distance Education Guidelines
- Diversity HE Competencies
- EEQ (The Quality Assurance Commons for Higher and Postsecondary Ed) (7/26/2018)
- GAPNA Proficiencies (APRN Gerontological Specialist) (3.5.19)
- IBSTI (Instructional Designer Competency Statements) (7/26/2018)
- QSEN (Quality and Safety Education for Nurses) (10/11/2018)
- NACE Career Competencies (2019)
- NAEYC (Standards for Early Childhood Professional Preparation) (9/27/2018)
- NEA 21st Century - The Four C's
- NLN Core Competencies (Nurse Educators) (2/27/19)
- NONPF (Nurse Practitioner Core Competencies Content) (10/29/18)
- SCANS (Secretary's Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills) (8/30/2018)
- Texas DECs (Vocational Nursing Texas) (9/27/2018)
- Texas DECs (Vocational Nursing Baccalaureate Degree) (9/27/2018)
- Texas DECs (Vocational Nursing Diploma and Associate Degree) (9/27/2018)
- US Occupational Therapy Educational Standards (3.5.19)
- World Economic Forum 2022 Skills Outlook (3.4.19)
Reach out to to have one of these files imported into your Coursetune instance as a mapping set. Be sure to tell us what level you'd like the mapping set added (institution-level, division-level, program-level or course-level) and which one in particular.
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