Also answers:
- How do I delete a division?
Because the division level (level 2) is one of the more tightly controlled levels in Coursetune admins are the only users who can delete a division (level-2 folder). A division must be empty for deletion to be allowed. This restriction is to ensure data integrity across your institution/organization (level 1).
Method 1 to delete a Division (Level-2 Folder):
Step1: First, make sure you're viewing the institution level (level 1) and that you have Edit mode turned on.
Step 2: Next, you need to make sure that the division is empty. If there are any programs (level-3 folders) inside, you can't delete the division until those are gone. Once you've done that, select the empty division you would like to delete. Click on the trash can icon and follow the prompts. There are several warnings to make sure a division is not accidentally deleted.
Method 2 to delete a Division (Level-2 Folder):
Step 1: First, make sure you're viewing the institution level (level 1) and that Edit mode turned on.
Step 2: Select the empty division you would like to delete, and click the pencil icon.
Step 3: In the panel, click Delete and follow the prompts. There are several warnings to make sure a division is not accidentally deleted.
Want to know more about divisions" Check out these articles:
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