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Also answers:
- Can I move a bundle or c-layer from a course to a different course in another program or division?
- How do I put the learning objectives in a different course?
- Can I copy an LO?
- Can I make a bundle into a C-layer?
Who can do this? Editors and managers with rights to both courses (level-4 objects), and admins.
Coursetune allows copy / paste and cut / paste functionality to the following design elements:
- LO Details
- LOs
- Bundles
- C-layer elements
- Outcomes
You can make these copies within or between level-4 objects. The mappings, wherever possible, will also go with the pasted items. The general rule is that the mappings that are in common to both the source of the cut/copy and the destination of the paste, can be pasted with the item.
To access the copy/cut/paste menu, perform the equivalent action of a right-click on the item (the keyboard command Ctrl-click works on both PC and Mac).
You can also access these commands using the following keyboard strokes:
- Copy: Ctrl-C on PC, Cmd-C on Mac
- Cut: Ctrl-X on PC, Cmd-X on Mac
- Paste: Ctrl-V on PC, Cmd-V on Mac
With appropriate rights, elements can be copied or cut within a level-4 objects, between level-4 objects inside the same level-3 folder, between level-4 objects across level-3 folders and between level-4 objects across level-2 folders.
From edit mode, select the desired element (LO, LO detail, Bundle or C-layer). Right click (or use ctrl/cmd C), and choose "Copy" or "Cut" from the menu.
When copying/cutting an LO, you can paste to:
- Bundle/C-layer- becomes an LO
- Outcome set- becomes an outcome
*Note: you can select multiple LOs to copy/cut at once by pressing Ctrl (PC) or Shift+Cmnd (Mac)
When copying/cutting an LO detail, you can paste to:
- LO- becomes a detail
- Bundle/C-layer- becomes an LO
- Outcome set- becomes an outcome
When copying/cutting a bundle element, you can paste to:
- Center of course - becomes a duplicate bundle. LOs will duplicate, if present. (note that this is only for copying a bundle. Cutting and pasting on the same side will only paste it right back to the circle graph, it will not copy it. Cutting the bundle and pasting on the c-layer side will transform the bundle into a c-layer.)
If a bundle contains activities, there are three different outcomes that can happen:
- 1- if the bundle is being pasted to the same course, then all the LOs associated with the activity will be kept.
- 2- if the bundle is being pasted to a different course, then outside-bundle LO associations will be removed. You will be notified: "Some activities in this bundle were associated with LOs that are outside this bundle. Those associations have been removed."
- 3- If an activity type is turned off in the activity settings in the destination course, but the bundle contains that certain activity type, then that activity type will be turned on when the bundle is pasted. You will receive a notification: "We have enabled the [activity type] for this course so that the activities in this bundle could be correctly added."
- Outcome set - becomes an outcome (LOs become suboutcomes, if present)
When copying/cutting a c-layer element, you can paste to:
- Center of course - becomes a duplicate C-layer. LOs will duplicate, if present.
- Outcome set - becomes an outcome (LOs become suboutcomes, if present)
When copying/cutting a single outcome or suboutcome, you can paste to:
- LO - becomes an LO detail
- LO detail - becomes an LO detail
- Bundle/C-layer - becomes an LO
When copying/cutting an outcome containing suboutcomes, you can paste to:
- LO detail - all outcomes and suboutcomes become LO details
- Bundle/C-layer - outcome becomes LO, suboutcomes become LO details
- Course center - outcome becomes bundle/C-layer element, suboutcomes become LO inside
Please note that because an LO already exists on both sides of the level-4 object by design, you cannot copy an LO from one side and paste onto the other side of the level-4 object. You will be presented with a notification asking if you would like to perform a transform by using the cut functionality, instead.
To Transform an Element
In a few cases, you will be able to transform the element on paste (if you wish to do so):
- Paste LO Detail as an LO
- Paste a Bundle as C-layer element
- Paste C-layer element as a Bundle
With the proper rights, you can perform transforms within a course (level-4 object), across courses, inside a program (level-3 folder), across programs, and across division (level-2 folders).
To do this, from Edit mode, select the desired element, right click (or ctrl/cmnd C or X) and choose copy or cut. Select the desired destination and right click (or ctrl/cmnd V) to paste. A notification will be given and you can choose to transform or not.
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