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Also answers:
- Will my mapping be saved if I move a course (level-4 object) between divisions (level-2 folders)?
- What happens to the proxy courses (level-4 proxy objects) if a source course is moved?
- What happens if I move a course (level-4 object) to a different division (level-2 folder)?
To make the explanation of these relationships easier, we will use the default CourseTune level names:
- Institution (Level 1 Folder)
- Division (Level 2 Folder)
- Program (Level 3 Folder)
- Course (Level 4 Object)
Note: You cannot move a proxy course (proxy level-4 object).
If you want a proxy course in a different program (level-3 folder), just make a new proxy course in the traditional way and then delete the proxy course that is no longer needed.
Who can move a Level-4 Object?
- Admins
- It's complicated
If you would like to move a regular Level-4 Object or a source Level-4 Object within the same Level-2 Folder, then you need to have managing rights on both the Level-3 Folder that is the current location of the Level-4 Object and on the Level-3 Folder that will be the destination. There are two ways this can happen:
(1) Managing rights on each of the individual Level-3 Folders (current location and destination)
(2) Managing rights on the Level-2 Folder
If you would like to move a regular Level-4 Object or a source Level-4 Object between Level-2 Folders, then you need to have managing rights on the Level-2 Folder currently containing the Level-4 Object and managing rights on the destination Level-3 Folder.
How to move a regular Level-4 Object or a source
Level-4 Object
(1) Go to the destination Level-3 Folder and make sure that "Edit" mode is on.
(2) Click on the + icon to the right of the Mode panel to add a level-4 object.
(3) Press the "Move" button on the "Add Level-4 Object" panel.
(4) In the "Find Level 4 Object to Move" panel, search for and then select the Level-4 Object you want to move.
(5) Press the "Move Level 4" button.
What happens to the mappings when you move a Level-4 Object?
When moving a Level-4 Object between Level-3 Folders within the same Level-2 Folder, the Level-4 Object will retain alignment of the mappings to outcome sets at Level 1, Level 2, and the Level 4. You will have the option of making a copy of the Level 3 Outcome Set for the destination Level 3 folder.
When moving a Level-4 Object between programs in different Level-2 Folders, the Level-4 Object will retain alignment of the mappings to Level-1 outcome sets and Level-4 outcome sets. You will have the option of making Level 3 outcome sets on the Level-4 Object in the destination Level-2 Folder and Level-3 Folder.
Note: When a Source Level-4 Object is moved, the proxy Level-4 Objects will all remain in place, retain their current mappings, and remain joined to the Source Level-4 Object.
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