Also answers:
- How do I create a program?
- Where do I add my courses?
A program is simply some collection of courses (level-4 objects, often a degree program). So, before you and your team can begin the journey of continuous improvement in your courses, a program must be created. Division (level 2) managers can add a program inside the division, and then assign team members to the program to begin populating with courses.
Note: Typically, institutions (level 1) have one to two managers for each division.
Step 1- To add a program, you will start at the division level. Make sure Edit mode is turned on, and click on the plus sign +.
Step 2- Next, the Program Settings modal will open. From here, you can:
- Name the program (required)
- Write an ID for the program (optional)
- Choose an icon to represent the program (optional)
- Choose the default type for C-layer/bundle layer (optional)
- Choose the default LO scale (optional)
- Move a program from a different division (if you have the proper rights)
- Import a program
Make sure you save!
Note: The settings for the program can always be edited later. If you are unsure about them, that's OK; only the name field is required.
If you need an icon for a program that we don't seem to have, please contact and we'll create an appropriate icon for you!
Want to understand more about the levels in Coursetune? Check out this article: Glossary: Structural Levels
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