Who can do this? Admins
User-facing APIs are available. Through these APIs, a user with Coursetune admin credentials can now extract data on their institution. Full documentation is available here.
There are some requests that can be generated automatically in Coursetune. You may want to read this article: How do I generate an API string request in Coursetune?
To see data for any level in Coursetune, you first need to generate your Institution ID.
To generate your Institution ID:
Begin by copying and pasting this string from the API documentation into a text editor:
curl -u myemail:mypassword https://app.coursetune.com/api/v1/institutions
Replace 'myemail' with your Coursetune login email. Then replace "mypassword" with your Coursetune login password.
Make sure that you do not create any extra spaces, or copy over the colon in between "myemail" and "mypassword".
EX string: curl -u firstlast@smalltown.edu:crazypassword https://app.coursetune.com/api/v1/institutions
Copy this string and paste into into your Terminal (Command Prompt) *(search your computer using the word "Terminal" and select the one that says "Command Prompt")*
Press enter. This gets you your institution ID.
EX Institution ID: 5ba83389-6d9d-4f1c-ab6c-81fb1aac8bc2
To generate data about all the divisions you have access to, including division IDs:
Follow the steps above to generate your Institution ID.
Copy and paste the string from above directions into your text editor.
After "institutions" add a / and the institution ID, with braces on either side of the ID. Add a "/divisions" after, at the end of the string.
EX string: curl -u firstlast@smalltown.edu:crazypassword https://app.coursetune.com/api/v1/institutions/{5ba83389-6d9d-4f1c-ab6c-81fb1aac8bc2}/divisions
Copy and paste this string into the Terminal and press enter. This gets you all of the divisions you have access to, along with their IDs.
To get data for all programs that you have access to inside a division, including program IDs:
Follow the steps above and choose a division ID. Copy and paste your string from above directions into your text editor.
Replace "institutions" with "divisions" first. Then replace the institution ID with the division ID (make sure to paste the ID inside the braces).
Finally, replace "divisions" at the end of the string with "programs".
Copy this and paste it into your Terminal. It will now generate data of all the programs you have access to inside this particular division.
EX division ID: d1f756ae-9115-4a8d-bb74-e37b22faefdd
EX string: curl -u firstlast@smalltown.edu:crazypassword https://app.coursetune.com/api/v1/divisions/{d1f756ae-9115-4a8d-bb74-e37b22faefdd}/programs
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