CourseTune changes the way you see your curriculum, but it doesn’t happen overnight. This document will help you track your progress along the stages of implementing a new alignment mindset that embraces continuous improvement. Use this guide to enhance collaboration and rigor across your team.
You are embarking on an alignment journey!
Here are the stages that you will encounter as you progress in CourseTune. Each institution has different needs, so the duration of each stage varies. Teams also return to stages and revisit them as the implementation grows. There is no perfect path to alignment.
Stage 1- Preparing
Stage 2- Learning
Stage 3- Growing
Stage 4- Integrating
Stage 5- Innovating |
Each stage you progress through builds your skills and knowledge. The implementation training outcomes are (C-Layer):
- Ability to train others- Train the trainer model
- Having systems and data connected for your teams to scale
- Having documented plans and strategy for your projects
- Ability to communicate their goals and process to your teams
- Comfort with the tool and ability to navigate key features
- Iterate and review for continuous improvement
Stage 1- Preparing
Who is involved: Admin users, key leadership
What to communicate to your team: “We are starting on an alignment journey by documenting our goals, strategizing for success, and aligning our projects and people.”
What you’ll be doing:
- Identifying long and short term projects and their goals
- Defining your curriculum process and team
- Creating a culture of alignment with a shared vocabulary
- Preparing for importing
Stage 2- Learning
Who is involved: Admin users, key leadership
What to communicate to your team: “We will gain comfort with the tools and understand how the features will help us meet our goals.”
What you’ll be doing:
- Navigating the levels, layers. modes, panels, and views
- Building and editing courses
- Importing curriculum documents and reviewing your import
- Identifying gaps and opportunities in the curriculum
Stage 3- Growing
Who is involved: Dept. leadership, IDs, admin users, assessment/accreditation
What to communicate to your team: “It’s time to add users to our team with specific roles and responsibilities. We can make sure we are all on the same page and working together on the same vision in CourseTune.”
What you’ll be doing:
- Strategize new user onboarding and the scope of work
- Develop admin- facilitated training plan
- Define outcome mapping strategy for alignment
- Conduct a review for gaps in the data
Stage 4- Integrating
Who is involved: LMS System administrators, IT, Support Staff, admin users
What to communicate to your team: “CourseTune supports the processes we already have in place. We can integrate CourseTune with our LMS to make it easy for faculty and staff to communicate and collaborate on their course development.”
What you’ll be doing:
- Evaluate data connections and document them
- Systems integration discussions with stakeholders
- Set up and test connections
- Organize resources and support for integration
Stage 5- Innovating
Who is involved: Faculty, Department chairs, Deans
What to communicate to your team: “CourseTune makes our lives easier when it comes to reporting and collecting evidence to show how our courses and curriculum are aligned with industry standards, institutional benchmarks, or to external accreditation sources. Let’s review our strategic plan and plan for the next big initiative.”
What you’ll be doing:
- Prepare for large reporting projects, i.e. accreditation
- Engage broader teams for integration
- Iterate on structure and organization
- Revisit strategic planning
Philosophy and Approach
This is YOUR journey. These stages represent the general areas that each team experiences as they mature their implementation. Due to diverse work cultures, experiences, and goals, each path to alignment will look unique. No two schools will be exactly the same. Implementations can revisit stages at any time or cycle through them in a loop. Make sure you are meeting with your implementation trainer to ensure a successful CourseTune experience for all those involved.
Welcome to the beginning of your alignment journey!
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