There might be outcomes present across multiple outcome sets that will always need to be mapped at the same time to an element within your program or course. If this is the case, using the Coursetune Mapping Cascade feature could be the road to take. Mapping Cascades allow Admins and Managers to connect outcomes by creating a mapping shortcut. Editors, Managers, and Admins can then map to Mapping Cascades to instantly show alignment across course, program, and division outcomes.
Mapping to the Circle Graph:
Mapping through Grid Mapping:
If an outcome or suboutcome is part of a Mapping Cascade(s), you will see a trident next to them in the right panel. Hovering over the outcome/suboutcome will show you the other outcomes/suboutcomes in the cascade.
Step 1: Ready to map? You need to start at the course level (level 4), turn on Edit mode, and select the desired outcome set in the right panel. Then, click on the map icon next to the set to turn on mapping mode.
Please note that if your permissions don't allow for mapping, the map icon won't show. Read this article for more information: Who can create, edit and map outcome sets?
Step 2: Once the Map icon is clicked, the background will turn from blue to gray, indicating you're in mapping mode. Now you can select the desired outcome or sub-outcome to map. The default settings will be checkmarks, which will display gray mapping on the circle graph, and checkmarks in the Mapping Grid without scales.
To map an outcome (not containing sub-outcomes) click on it, then select C-layers, bundles and/or LOs on the circle graph.
To map an outcome containing sub-outcomes, click the checkmark that appears next to it. All sub-outcomes inside will automatically map to an element when the entire outcome is mapped.
If preferred, you can also just map an individual sub-outcome to an element. To select a sub-outcome, make sure to expand the chevron next to an outcome first, then click the sub-outcome.
Step 3: After mapping an element, the Editing panel will appear. Click Edit to check the other outcomes/suboutcomes that have been mapped through the cascade. You can click the x on the right side of the outcome/suboutcome to undo the connection.
Just as quickly as you mapped the cascade, you can unmap it. Simply click the element you mapped and the mapping will be undone. You’ll get a notice that you’ve unmapped to the full cascade.
Want to know more about Mapping Cascades? Check out these articles:
- Glossary: Mapping Cascades
- How do I create a Mapping Cascade?
- How do I edit a Mapping Cascade?
- How do I use the Mapping Cascades Report?
- How do I use the Connections in Mapping Cascades Report?
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