Also answers:
- Can I add multiple people to my team at once?
Collaboration and continuous improvement rely on teammates being connected in Coursetune. Early into the Coursetune journey, admins will be adding team members to the application. They can add them one at a time, but we suggest adding many at once if you have multiple team members who are ready to log in. It's as easy as creating a simple .csv file and uploading it into the Coursetune users panel.
Preparing the .csv file:
Uploading the .csv file into Coursetune:
Part 1- Prepare the File
Step 1- You'll need to begin by preparing a .csv file. Note that you can make this kind of file in excel (with four columns of data) and just do a Save As with the destination file being .csv extension. Begin by opening a blank excel sheet.
Step 2- Each line of the file will contain the necessary information for a user in the following format:
- Column 1- First name (required)
- Column 2- Last name (required)
- Column 3- Email (required)
- Column 4- Job title (optional)
Step 3- Once the upload file is ready, save it to your device.
Part 2- Upload the File
Step 1- Now that your .csv file has been created and saved to your device, you can upload it into Coursetune. To do this, you need to navigate to the Users panel. Click on the hamburger menu (three lines) next to your name in the top right corner. Select Users from the drop-down menu.
Step 2- You will be taken to the Users panel, where you will click Add Multiple Users. Click Select CSV File from your computer, and then find and select the file you've prepared.
Step 3: When the file has been accepted, you'll see two buttons: File attached and View Users. Choose View Users to verify that Coursetune has the correct information in the corresponding fields. Click Add Users.
What if it doesn't work? If the user's email is already in the Coursetune system, you'll get an error warning and you will not be able to add that particular user. We will continue the upload process for all the users that are new users. If a user is already in the system, check to see if the user is simply an inactive user. See article: How can I reactivate a user?
What happens next? Click through the notification messages and the users will be added. The "Highest Role" for the new users will be empty. New users will be sent an email to accept the account.
See article: What is the new user account acceptance workflow like?
When you add a normal user, you are only giving them access to your institution's Coursetune instance. As soon as you add a new teammate, you should either:
- give the user roles on course (level-4 object) teams and program (level-3 folder) teams where it is appropriate
- let the user's direct manager know the user has been added to Coursetune and is now ready to be added to course and program teams
In other words, someone needs to add the user to the right teams or they will have a very boring first Coursetune experience.
Want to know more about the different roles for team members? Check out these articles:
- How are the roles defined on a Course (Level 4), Program (Level 3), Division (Level 2), or Institution (Level 1) Team?
- How do team roles work with levels?
- How can I see my roles in Coursetune?
- How do I see all the roles of a user? (admin)
Once you understand user roles, you can grant access to your team members to different levels as different roles. To find out more on how to do that, recommend these articles:
- Glossary: Access Panel
- How do I grant a user viewing access to the Institution/Organization (level-1 folder)?
- How can I add a new team member to a program (level-3 folder)?
- How can I add a team member to a course (level-4 object)?
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