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Also answers:
- How do I change the name of my course?
- Can I change a course ID number?
- Where do I add course credits?
As a Manager or Editor, you may need to make updates to your course (level-4 object) information, such as adding to the description, changing the title, or adding a course ID. CourseTune makes that work simple.
Step 1: As an editor or manager, you can edit your course information to do updates. First, start at the course level (level 4), turn on Edit mode, and select the center of your course. Then, click on the edit pencil.
Step 2: In the Edit Course (Level-4 Object) panel you can do the following:
- edit the course name, description, ID, or course credits
- alphabetize LOs in C-layers
- show repeated LOs within each CM with red text
- set the bundle type for the course
- show bundle labels on circle graph
- add or change the LO scale on the course
- delete the course
Note: These are directions for editing a normal course without variations.
Have a course (level-4 object) with variations? Check out these articles:
- How do I edit a course (level-4 object) variation?
- How do I edit a Base Variation?
- Who can do what on course (level-4 object) variations?
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