Course Nucleus refers to the elements in a course (level-4 object) Variation that cannot be edited because it is the essential, or core of the course's design. Like a single cell that gets divided into new, but connected cells, the Course Nucleus contains the "DNA" of that course that is consistent in each Variation. We call this the Course Nucleus because it contains the information that should be inherited by every variation. The Course Nucleus contains:
- Course name, description, ID, and number of credits
- C-layer type, names, descriptions and IDs
- Learning objectives and arrangement in the C-layer
- Mappings of the learning objectives to any outcome sets
The course nucleus elements can be edited by Managers and Admins on the Base Variation. For more information, check out these articles:
- Glossary: Variations
- Glossary: Base Variation
- How do I edit a Base Variation?
- Who can do what on course (level-4 object) variations?
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