Each course has two parallel layers that are connected by learning objectives. Learn about the Bundle Layer and the C-Layer.
Here's an interactive tutorial:
CourseTune answers the What, When, Why, and How of Learning.
This tutorial will cover the two design layers of a course and help you answer: What will students learn? and
When will students learn it?
2. Each course graph has two parallel design layers that are connected by learning objectives. The layer names can be customized for each course; in this example the C-Layer elements are Course Objectives, "C.O." and the Bundle layer is named Module.
3. Click on the C-Layer icon, named CO here for Course Objectives. This design layer answers "What will students learn?" The mountain peak icon represents the high-level course goals students reach in this course.
Read more about the C-Layer and Naming.
4. Click on the Bundle Layer icon, named here Module, to view the delivery design of the course. This design layer answers "When will students learn it?" and is represented by a bundle of books in the icon.
Read more about the Bundle Layer and Naming.
5. Click on a Learning Objective to see how it is connected to the Module. Each Learning Objective, or L.O. is connected to the bundle it is delivered in. This layer groups when students will experience these learning objectives.
6. Click on the Module or the Blue Arrows to expand the set of Learning Objective statements delivered in this Bundle.
7. Click on an individual Learning Objective statement to view the full description and how the learning objective is mapped to outcomes. All these details open in the right panel.
8. This panel shows the detailed description of the Learning Objective, or L.O.
9. Click on the C-Layer icon, named C.O. here for Course Objective, to switch back to the C-layer and see the same learning objectives connected to the course goals they support.
10. Click on the arrows to view the full set of Learning Objective statements that support a Course Objective.
11. The description panel expands with all the Learning Objective details on this layer as well.
The two design layers are connected by the learning objective statements ensuring a course designed for quality.
NEXT- Add course goals, competencies, etc
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