Also answers:
- Help me write a report
- Which report should I use?
Looking for a report but don't know exactly which one to use? The Reports Wizard can help! Whether you are at the program level (level 3), or the course level (level 4), the Reports Wizard will ask a series of guiding questions that can help you locate the right report. Use the Reports Wizard questions to guide conversations about what you want to accomplish and why.
Program level (level 3):
Course level (level 4):
Need help finding a report? As a Viewer, Commenter, Editor, or Manager, you may need different reports for different needs. You can use the Reports Wizard at the program level (level 3), or the course level (level 4). These steps will cover course level but will apply to program level as well.
Step 1: First, make sure you are at the course level (level 4). Next, click on the Reports and Data icon in the right panel, and select Help me choose.
Step 2: The first guiding question is What is the primary purpose? Choose from the answers, and then click Next to begin the guidance process.
Familiar with Coursetune reports already? You can skip the Reports Wizard and simply select the one you want from the list.
Want to read more in-depth about the kinds of reports that Coursetune has to offer? Check out this article: What kinds of reports are available in Coursetune?
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