If you've turned on and built variations of your courses, you've experienced the power of creating multiple courses (for other modalities, sessions, etc) out of a base course to create consistent course outcomes across all of the variations. If you are teaching one of these variation courses, say an online variation of a course, you will likely want to leverage the built-in syllabus report to help you communicate what is being taught in each bundle and how students will be assessed. This is the report you are looking for (no Jedi mind tricks involved, we promise). The Syllabus Report for Variations organizes what's being taught and assessed by bundles in a course variation. Use this report to communicate expectations of what learning objectives will be taught and when they will be assessed. This report is commonly used as syllabus documentation.
Step 1: Ready to create your report? To find it, you need to start on the course level. Next, click on Data and Reports in the right panel, and select Syllabus Report for Variation.
*Note that you won't see this option if Variations has not been turned on the course (level-4 object).*
Step 2: When choosing to how much detail to include in the report, you can choose to:
- List the LOs in each bundle
- Include LO details and/or LO IDs
- List your c-layers (course goals, competencies, etc.) at the bottom of the report.
- Include Activity Descriptions
- Include Rubric Information
- Check Time Estimates to choose to format the time by decimal or hours: minutes.
- Include activity points
- Categorize the activities and assessments by type
- Sort activity names by order of appearance in the bundle, or alphanumerically.
Want more information on Variations? Check out this article: Glossary: Variations
Coursetune offers many useful reports. For more information, check out this article:
What kinds of reports are available in Coursetune?
New to Coursetune and unsure of which report is right for you? Our Reports Wizard simplifies this for you by leading you through a series of questions. To know more about the Reports Wizard, check out this article: How do I use the Reports Wizard?
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