Importing modules from BbLearn to Coursetune reduces course development time.
This feature is only available when two conditions are met:
- a Coursetune course is linked to a BbLearn course
- a user has been assigned to the Catalyst course in Coursetune.
What is imported from BbLearn?
The import from BbLearn to Coursetune is a reverse of the export from Coursetune to BbLearn. Only the following content types are imported:
D2L Content Types | Coursetune/Catalyst Content Types |
Module Titles | Module Titles |
Activities > Content Exploration*
Activities > Discussions*
Activities > Assignments*
Activities > Quizzes*
All other content types in the BbLearn course (e.g., announcements, external links) are unsupported and will not automatically be imported into Coursetune/Catalyst.
* For each module, a placeholder LO will be added. All activities in the module will be aligned to the placeholder LO.
**Descriptions import with headings, some font styles, lists, and links. Embedded images and videos will not be imported. Styling and spacing may require correction after import.
***Blackboard learn has discussion information in two places; only the content that appears in the module view is imported. The instructions for the discussions may not be in that location, so manually pasting the discussion instructions may be required.
How do I import?
To import from BbLearn to the linked Coursetune course, follow these steps:
- Turn on editing.
- Click the edit pencil near the course core.
- From the Edit Course modal, click the Import from LMS button.
- Click the Import from Blackboard button.
- An inventory of the Canvas course will appear.
- By default, all supported items will be checked. Uncheck items as needed.
- Check "Titles only" if you do not want descriptions for pages, assignments, discussions, and quizzes to be imported.
- Click Import.
- When the import is complete, you will see the Coursetune circle graph. Edit the imported content using the following resources:
Can I import more than once?
Yes, the import detects matching items, and only items that differ will be imported.
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