In Coursetune when you click on a design element, the Descriptions panel will show you all relevant information in the database. Each element will show certain information:
Course (level-4 object)
- Course name
- Course ID
- Course credits
- Course description
- Tags
- Number of learning objectives in course
C-layer Element
- ID
- Title
- Full statement
Bundle Element
- Bundle title
- Description
- ID
Learning Objective (LO)
- Full text of the LO
- Abbreviated LO
- ID
- Where the LO is classified in the opposite design layer
- If the LO is mapped, it will list what outcome sets/outcomes and suboutcomes are mapped
Outcome Set
- Type of outcome set (Institution (LV1, Division LV2, Program LV3, or Course LV4)
- Outcomes set title
- Description
- ID
Outcome or Suboutcome
- Title
- Description
- ID
Learning or Assessment Activity
- Activity type
- Whether it's an assessment or not
- Number of LOs the activity spans
- Name
- Description
- ID
- Properties, including time and points
Note: You can also directly copy text from the Descriptions panel, if you desire. Left click and drag your cursor across the text and the use ctrl C (PC or cmnd C (Mac) to copy.
Conveniently, the Descriptions panel can pop out and be moved, giving more workspace if needed. Click the button in the upper right of the panel to pop it out. Move it anywhere on the screen. Use the button in the lower right corner to expand and collapse the panel. Click the line in the upper right to pop the panel back into place.
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