Also answers:
- How do I see all the assessments in a program?
This is a really useful report to run after you've added learning activities and assessments to courses (level-4 objects) in a program (level-3 folder). Use this to audit types of activities and how they are distributed across the courses. This report can help assess how much time is spent by students on certain activities, the ways they are being engaged, and the frequency of assessments.
Used by: Program chair, assessment, and curriculum committee
This report shows the learning and assessment activities across all the courses (level-4 objects) in a program (level-3 folder). It can answer questions such as:
- What types of activities and assessments are used across this program?
- Are the types of activities as expected? Is the frequency of these activity types appropriate for the students? Appropriate for the subject area?
- Are the appropriate assessments in place at each level?
- Is the number of activities or time spent in an activity type:
- As expected? Appropriate for the students? Appropriate for the subject area?
- Is the amount of time spent in activity types
- As expected?
- Appropriate for the students?
- Appropriate for the subject area?
Step 1: First, you need to start at the program level. Next, click on Reports in the right panel, and select Program Activities Report.
Step 2: In the Program (Level 3) Activities Report, you can select as many activity types as you would like generated by choosing them form the drop down menu. Click All for all activity types that are created in your courses (level-4 objects). Alternatively, you can generate the report with All Assessments or All Learning activity types.
NOTE: If you have not utilized a particular activity type, it will show as greyed-out in the drop down menu.
You can also choose the type of tables to generate:
- Program Activities
- Activities by Time
- Activity Properties by Time
- Time Format: decimal or hr: min
Step 3: In the Course Selection panel, you can choose to generate the report using All Courses (default), or Select Multiple Courses. This let's you choose certain courses any time you run the report.
You can also choose to Filter Courses by Tags. The default will be all tags selected. Push Clear to deselect all the tags, then choose the ones you want.
Choose the desired file type to run.
Want to know more about the other reports that Coursetune has to offer? Check out this article: What kinds of reports are available in Coursetune?
New to Coursetune and unsure of which report is right for you? Our Reports Wizard simplifies this for you by leading you through a series of questions. To know more about the Reports Wizard, check out this article: How do I use the Reports Wizard?
For more information on the learning activities and assessments in Coursetune, check out this article: Navigating the Activities Graph
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