Save time when you need to review all the syllabi from a collection of courses with this reporting option. This download is a collection of all the syllabi inside the program (Level-3). The result will be a zip file containing each individual syllabus report.
Step 1: Using this feature allows you to generate a zipped file of all course (level 4) syllabi reports in your program. First, make sure you're at the program level (level-3 folder). Then, click on the Reports and Data icon in the top right panel. Click on the Program Collection of Program Syllabi Reports.
Step 2: In the Program Collection of Program Syllabi Reports panel, you can include:
- Bundles Numbers
- List the LOs under each bundle
- List the LO details under each LO
- List the LO ID next to each LO
- List the Competencies at the bottom of the report
- Include with activity information...
- Activity Descriptions (if data exits)
- Rubric Information (if data exits)
- Time Estimates (if data exits)
- Activity Points (if data exits)
- Categorize Activities and Assessments by type
- Choose how you want the activity names sorted
- Sort by order of appearance in bundle
- Sort alphanumerically by name
Want to know more about the other reports that Coursetune has to offer? Check out this article: What kinds of reports are available in Coursetune?
New to Coursetune and unsure of which report is right for you? Our Reports Wizard simplifies this for you by leading you through a series of questions. To know more about the Reports Wizard, check out this article: How do I use the Reports Wizard?
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