Also answers:
- how do I get a snapshot of my course development?
Need to see a snapshot of course development within your program? Catalyst Reports will show which courses have not yet started, which courses are in progress, and which courses have been exported to the LMS. Additionally, you can use the reports to quickly see the status of Catalyst’s General Info, Objectives, and Course Map sections, including a table showing each module/unit/week’s content including the specific elements of the course map per module/week.
As a Manager or Admin in Coursetune, you have access to these reports for a program (level 3).
Manager Access
Managers will access the reports through the Catalyst dashboard at the program level (level 3).
Step 1: Begin at the division level (level 2) that contains the desired program (level 3), and make sure Edit mode is on.
Step 2: Hover over the desired program, and click on Catalyst.
Step 3: Click on Catalyst Reports in the upper right of the panel.
Step 4: In the report, you will see the number for each course that is Not Started, Started, or Exported to your LMS.
You can sort the data by ID, Course Name, Progress, Push to LMS, Faculty Name, or Faculty Email.
Clicking on the Progress bar will show you what percentage of Catalyst sections have been populated.
Admin Access
Coursetune Managers must access through the Catalyst Dashboard, but Coursetune Admins can access the reports from a higher level.
Step 1: As an Admin, click on the hamburger menu in the top bar, and select Catalyst Reports from the dropdown menu.
Step 2: In this panel, you will see a top-down view of the existing number of divisions, programs, and courses within your Institution (level 1), and the status numbers for courses.
Click on the desired division to expand the list of programs within the division.
Step 3: Click on the desired program. Then click on the number underneath Courses to expand the list of courses within the program.
Tips for Using the Report
Include or Exclude from Catalyst Report
All divisions, programs, and courses are currently defaulted to be included in Catalyst Reports.
If a division, program, or course was created for experimentation and should NOT be included in the totals for assessing Catalyst course development progress, you can set that in the division setting panel.
(1) At the institution level (level 1), make sure Edit mode is on.
(2) Hover over the desired division and click on the Edit Pencil.
(3) In the Division Settings panel, check or uncheck the box Include in Catalyst Reports. Make sure to save.
Any level that has Include in Catalyst Report unchecked appears in the report without any totals.
In the Catalyst Report, you can check the box to view the level’s totals. Please note that viewing the levels in the Catalyst Report will NOT change the Include in Catalyst Report setting. When you refresh the Catalyst Report, the level will again reflect the Include in Catalyst Report default setting.
The refresh icon in the top right corner of Catalyst Reports returns the data to its default settings with updated data.
On refresh, the following settings return to their defaults:
- Columns (at Program level, Last Activity and First Login are hidden)
- Sort
- “Include in Catalyst Report”
Unlike Coursetune and Catalyst, Catalyst Reports data is NOT updated in real-time. For example, if you are viewing Catalyst Reports, and a user adds a new division, it will appear in Catalyst Reports only after you refresh.
Program Level Settings
At the Program level (level 3), click on the gear icon. This panel allows you to add or hide columns in the report.
You can export the report in a CSV file using the Export button in the top right corner.
Navigate to Coursetune
In any Catalyst report, hover over a row. Each level icon is a button. When you click the level icon, you will navigate to Coursetune’s view of its circle graphs.
Click on the arrow in any column header to reverse the sort.
The default sort order for divisions and programs is alphabetical by name. The order of courses within a program is set by the program’s setting, which is either alphabetical by name or by ID.
If you click on the column header for Progress, the order of courses will sort by percent.
If you click on the column header for Push to LMS, the order of courses will sort by date.
Want to know more about Catalyst? Check out these articles:
- Catalyst FAQ
- Catalyst Course Map Guide
- Catalyst Login Guide
- Catalyst vs. LMS Guide
- Catalyst Objective Alignment Guide
- Catalyst Learn More Login Guide
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