Catalyst helps you design, align, and prepare your online course before importing into your Learning Management System (LMS). While Catalyst can save you hours of design time, there are still design considerations for you to consider before pushing to the LMS. This article will guide you through the different sections of the Course Map. Click on the links below to jump to a specific section.
Module Learning Objectives
The LOs section lists each learning objective and its linked course learning objective for the module. These LOs will appear in the Module Overview category in the LMS. Also, you will link one or more of these LO-CLO pairs to the activities in Learn, Discuss, and Assess.
When looking at this section in the Course Map, consider these points:
1. Are there any missing module learning objectives? Do you have repeating module objectives? If yes, revise.
2. Review all module learning objectives for measurability and alignment.
3. If you are missing a learning objective or any other materials while creating your course map, select the + button to begin creating new content.
Module Introductions
The Intro section invites faculty to describe or create the overview that will orient students to the module. Each intro has time-on-task. This text will be included in the Module Overview category in the LMS.
When looking at this section in the Course Map, consider these points:
1. Use the Module introduction to introduce the concepts, activities, and assessments that will be discussed or completed during the module.
2. Indicate the amount of time you expect students will spend on the module summary page.
3. After you have pushed the map to your LMS, expand upon your module introduction sections with captioned videos, attachments, or other media like recorded audio clips.
Learning Materials
The Learn section encourages faculty to list the notes, readings, and videos that will help students explore the content. Each activity has linked LO-COs and time on task. Each added Learn activity will be a page in the LMS.
When looking at this section in the Course Map, consider these points:
1. Indicate the amount of time you expect students will spend on the required learning materials.
2. Always include “Readings” as the first section. This should include required textbook chapters for the module as well as any additional reading materials.
3. Provide clear and concise names for each lecture materials section. Use aligned learning objectives for inspiration.
4. Provide complete citations for all learning materials in the course. Citation style is up to the discretion of the instructor.
5. Once linked content is pushed to your LMS, consider embedding the content to make the experience
more user friendly.
6. Any content provided in Catalyst text boxes will be pushed to the LMS including materials, citations,
web links, context, and even notes to yourself for future edits. Course files cannot be added to Catalyst at
this time.
7. Provide context, background, and guiding questions alongside your learning materials. Students
should understand why they are being asked to engage with these materials and what assessments they
will impact.
The Discuss section allows faculty to create one or more discussions. Each discussion has pre-populated instructions, which can be customized. Also, each discussion has linked LO-CLOs, group/class-wide settings, points, and time on task. No references to deadlines should be included since those will be automatically added when the discussions are created in the LMS.
When looking at this section in the Course Map, consider these points:
1. Indicate the amount of time you expect students will spend on the discussion assignment including preparation work.
2. Indicate how participation will work in this discussion. Will all students be working together or in small groups?
3. Provide the total points for the assignment. Note that a rubric will need to be built in the LMS that corresponds with the total number of points.
4. Deleting the formatting or writing prompts will remove them from Catalyst and from your LMS push. Instead, replace the writing prompts with your own thoughts.
5. Provide a thoughtful introduction that explains the purpose of the assignment and how it aligns with the objectives of the course and module.
6. Provide clear instructions for all post types including the initial post and the response posts to peers. Other settings like due dates will be completed in the LMS.
7. Indicate the aligned learning objective with the discussion.
The Assess section allows faculty to create one or more activities. Each assessment has pre-populated instructions, which can be customized. Also, each assessment has linked LO-CLOs, individual/group settings, activity type settings, points, and time on task. No references to deadlines should be included since those will be automatically added when the assessments are created in the LMS.
When looking at this section in the Course Map, consider these points:
1. Indicate the amount of time you expect students will spend on the assessment or assignment including preparation work.
2. Indicate how students will complete the assessment. Will they work on this individually or in small groups?
3. Provide the total points for the assignment. Note that a rubric will need to be built in the LMS that corresponds with the total number of points.
4. Provide a thoughtful introduction that explains the purpose of the assignment and how it aligns with the objectives of the course and module.
5. Provide clear instructions for all parts of the assignment. Include submission instructions or clear expectations for group work. Other settings like due dates will be completed in the LMS.
6. Indicate the aligned learning objective with the assignment or assessment.
The Summary section invites faculty to describe or create the content that will remind students of the salient points. Each summary has time-on-task. This text will be included as a page in the LMS.
When looking at this section in the Course Map, consider these points:
1. Indicate the amount of time you expect students will spend reviewing the module summary.
2. Provide detailed information to students about what key terms and ideas you covered this week.
3. Highlight some of the key assessments completed this module and explain how concepts covered in this module connect to upcoming modules and activities.
4. Complete any outstanding course design notes you have left yourself in Catalyst.
Want to know more about Catalyst? Check out these articles:
- Catalyst FAQ
- Catalyst Login Guide
- Catalyst Learn More Guide
- Catalyst vs. LMS Guide
- Catalyst Objective Alignment Guide
- How do I use Catalyst Reports?
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