Ready to get your courses into Coursetune?
Coursetune offers data importing and mapping based on any and all curriculum documentation that you can provide. As a reminder, your documents do not necessarily have to include all of the types of data that Coursetune can house; our goal is to get your Coursetune instance to your current state of documentation.
As the subject matter experts, your team will need to provide guidance so that our team understands exactly how to structure your curriculum inside of Coursetune. Use the guide below to mark up your documents for importing. The first steps for the Admin Team in the import process are:
- Establishing the organizational structure inside of Coursetune to identify where the imported data will live.
- Marking up a sample of your documentation to identify the data that will be imported, as well as the corresponding Coursetune data fields that they connect to.
How to Mark Up Each Document Type
For a course syllabus, course outline, or program outline
- Consider labeling through comments or color-coding the following information:
- C-Layer Content: What are the main goals of the course?
- Bundle Content: How is the course delivery organized?
- Learning Objectives: What are the individual objectives within your c-layers or bundles?
- Activities and Assessments: What are your learning activities and assessments for your LOs?
For an outcome set, either as a link to, or file of, the original source
- Please label whether this is an industry outcome set to be added to the standards library, with source citation, or is it a proprietary outcome set owned/created by your institution
Consider labeling through comments or color-coding the following information:
- If you have 3+ levels of complexity to your outcomes, be sure to meet with your Director of Education to talk about how outcomes are structured in-app
- Are you using an outcome scale? For example: IRM, IRD, IERA, XM, KSA
- Location of outcome set (Level 1, 2, or 3)
- Does this set include sub-outcomes?
For a mapping spreadsheet
Consider labeling through comments or color-coding the following information:
- LO to C-Layer or Bundle
- LOs or C-Layer to Level 1, 2 or 3 Outcome set
- What is the alignment? For example:
- Are we mapping to the outcome or the sub-outcome?
Please note that this is an example of what to identify, not an exhaustive list. Please refer to your Coursetune Glossary Guide to read through what types of data fields Coursetune can house and be sure to identify all points of data that your documentation includes.
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