Also answers:
- What are the types of files I can import into Coursetune?
You can import basic level-4 object information with an Excel file. The file is always organized using the bundle layer. The file format does not include any mappings or activities.
When you build the file, you will have several sheets of information.
The first sheet will contain information about the course in five columns:
- level-4 object ID (optional)
- level-4 object name
- level-4 object description (optional)
- number of credits (optional)
- type of LO scale (optional)
You will only have one row of data under the headings in this sheet.
The second sheet in the file contains the list of bundles that belong to the set:
- bundle number
- bundle ID (optional)
- bundle name
- bundle description (optional)
The remaining sheets in the file correspond to each bundle that will be added.
For example, if you have seven modules in the course, you’ll have seven sheets numbered Bundle 1, Bundle 2, … Bundle 7. You will have an opportunity to choose the proper name for your bundles (e.g. modules) upon import.
- LO ID (optional)
- LO description
- LO scale (optional)
Sample files are attached.
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