In order to import text files into Coursetune, you need to build one using the proper codes.
Refer to article: How do I build a text file for importing a level-4 object?
Here is a list of codes currently used for building text files for level-4 object import.
- #C Level-4 object name
- #CD Level-4 object description
- #CN Level-4 object number
- #CC Level-4 object credits
- #BT Bundle title (required if bundles are used)
- #BL Bundle long description
- #BID Bundle ID
- #CT C-layer element title (required if c-layer is used)
- #CL C-layer element long description
- #CID C-layer element ID
- #LO Learning objective (optional code; LOs sit directly beneath bundles or c-layers in text file)
- #LD LO detail (directly underneath LO)
- #ID LO ID (on line of LO)
- #BR (adds a line break- works in Course descriptions, bundle descriptions, and c-layer descriptions)
- #TAG Use for adding tags to courses
You may also have some activities or assessments that you would like to import in this level-4 object text file. For the full list of codes, and instructions, refer to these article:
- Code list for activities in text file import
- How do I import activities in a level-4 object text file?
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